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How do I go about filing assault charges?

filing assault charges

How do I go about filing assault charges?

Im a 54 year old lady that is on probation and only 2 months left til it’s over. I don’t want any problems but I was at a reception, just stopped by for a minute, my daughter, grandchildren and husband was in town for this wedding. I was hit on side of face by a young drunk gal half my age and shoved hard by a also young drunk guy. I wasn’t drinking and just got there so I don’t know what was happening. I now have their names but before last night I never even seen them before. Right after that, I just got in my car and went back home. My shoulder is killing me and have a knot on my forehead this morning and I feel that I should report them but I don’t want any trouble for myself.

Traffic Richard Simon’s Answer

Contact an attorney to report them for you and Shepard you through the process. You also have damages against them and ones from the car wreck

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