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Know What to Look For | 5 Types of Auto Accidents You Should Call an Attorney For – Guest Post

Auto Accidents Attorney

Car accidents can bring upon a lot of physical and emotional stress, and that’s why it’s essential to know the best course of action to take if you’re involved in one. While not all accident cases require the services of an attorney, some situations warrant professional representation.

You may be wondering under what circumstances should you hire a lawyer when it comes to auto accidents? In this post, we’ll go over five types of car accidents that you definitely should seek assistance from an experienced attorney.

Drunk Driving Accidents

Drunk driving accidents tend to be very severe, and the emotional and financial damages they inflict are often considerable. The victim of an accident involving a drunk driver is entitled to compensation from various avenues, such as the driver’s insurance company or a personal injury lawsuit. You should engage the services of a skilled attorney to help you navigate the complex legal system and pursue the compensation you deserve.

In order to determine whether the other driver was drunk at the time of an accident, you may look out for signs such as slurred speech, impaired coordination and balance, red or glassy eyes, and odor of alcohol on their breath. You should also take note of any statements that the other driver makes about being drunk or under the influence.

Additionally, if the other driver refuses to take a sobriety test or fails one, this can also be used as evidence in court. Therefore, it is important to gather as much information as possible at the scene of an accident and contact an attorney immediately so that legal action can be taken.

Rear-End Collisions

Rear-end collisions are one of the most common types of car accidents that can cause severe injuries. If you were involved in a rear-end collision, even if you were the driver at fault, you should speak to an attorney. A lawyer can help you navigate through any legal liability that is a result of the car accident, such as the extent of your injuries and damages and the severity of fault.

Intersection Accidents

Intersection accidents are usually at the fault of either driver taking a wrong turn or not yielding the right of way. Regardless of which driver was at fault, an attorney can be very useful in helping you determine who is liable and obtaining compensation for your losses. An intersection accident attorney can work with the other driver’s insurance carrier, accident investigators, and medical professionals to get the best outcome possible.

Recalling what happened at an intersection accident can be difficult, especially if you are experiencing emotional trauma or a physical injury. After seeking medical attention immediately after the accident, it is important to record all the details of the incident as soon as possible. Write down or take pictures of any damage to your vehicle, keep relevant documents such as insurance paperwork, and take notes of your conversations with the other driver.

Additionally, you should also gather eyewitness accounts if there are any and make note of the time, date, location, and weather conditions of the accident. Having all this information can help an attorney in building a strong case for you.

T-Bone Accidents

T-bone accidents are common collisions that involve one car being hit from the side, typically at an intersection. These situations often result in severe injuries and can cause significant financial and emotional damage. T-bone accident victims should contact an experienced car accident attorney to discuss their rights and the compensation available to them.

When talking to an auto accident attorney about a T-bone accident, it is important to provide them with as much detail as possible. You should explain exactly what happened, the location of the accident, any injuries you sustained, and any other relevant information. In addition, if there were any witnesses present at the time of the accident, be sure to provide their contact information as well so that the attorney can speak with them.

It is also beneficial to provide the attorney with any photos or videos of the accident scene, along with a copy of your police report and medical records. By providing these details, you can ensure that your auto accident attorney has all the necessary information they need to build a solid case for your benefit.

Fatal Car Accidents

If a car accident has resulted in the death of a family member or loved one, no amount of money can truly compensate for your loss. However, working with a wrongful death attorney can help you pursue justice for your loved one. An experienced wrongful death attorney can help you recover financial compensation for medical expenses, funeral costs, lost income, and emotional damages.

When it comes to car accidents, having a qualified attorney on your side can be invaluable when filing claims for compensation and pursuing justice. No matter the circumstances of your accident, contact a reputable personal injury lawyer as soon as possible to ensure that your rights are protected and that you receive the proper compensation.

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