Speeding Ticket KC-Traffic Lawyers In Kansas City

What will happen, I got a super speeder in holly springs Georgia on 575 going 113 in a 65, I’m 17 and this is my first ticket

super speeder

What will happen, I got a super speeder in holly springs Georgia on 575 going 113 in a 65, I’m 17 and this is my first ticket

It was late at night and she got me with the laser, she was being sort of rude but I just went with it and was as respectful as I could, that was 48 over the speed and I didn’t even get arrested, what’s the worse that could happen and what’s my best case scenario?

Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer

I refer you to local counsel on that, count your blessings she didn’t haul you to jail. Hire a good attorney.

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