Write For Us!

Attorney Blog Write For Us

Lawyers, Law Students, and those in the legal field get your chance at getting your name out there and getting published. We are a small, growing firm in Kansas City and focus on Traffic DWI & Criminal Law. We love to hear ideas and promote budding members of the legal community. These articles will go into our new guest writer section. You can also have your article posted on our sister site KCDefenseCounsel

Guidelines For Guide Posts

 Articles must be 500-2000 words, and need to be informative and well written. All content must be original. Topics:

  • Law
  • Criminal Law
  • Criminal Justice
  • Criminal Procedure
  • New Rulings in Criminal Law
  • Traffic Law
  • Traffic Accident Law
  • Speeding Ticket Law
  • Subjects related to the above

All Content Must Be Original Content. We hold the right to decline any article. Please also attach a bio with one link. We want you to be noticed.   Please contact us at [email protected]


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You also should not rely upon the transmission of an e-mail message to an attorney through this Web site to create an attorney-client relationship.   The transmission or exchange of information will not do so. All information provided by this site, including summaries and articles on legal topics, is general in nature and provided for informational purposes only. This information is not intended as legal advice, and should not be taken as such. Legal advice involves an attorney’s application of legal knowledge and judgment to specific facts and circumstances presented by a client. Before providing specific advice, a lawyer may need to conduct legal research and/or obtain additional facts. Nonlawyers should therefore not draw conclusions about what may be legally required, permissible, or advisable based solely upon consultation of general sources of legal information, including this and other law firm websites, without first seeking appropriate legal advice.

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