Clay County Traffic Lawyer’s Traffic Attorney serves clients in the Circuit Court of Clay County in Liberty. Our Clay County Traffic lawyer provides services related to speeding ticket and traffic related consultation and representation. If you have any outstanding traffic tickets, warrants, or past traffic tickets you want off your record; use the “get a quote” link on this page to give us some basic information about your situation.
The information you submit is confidential, and we reply to all requests the same business day if submitted before 4pm cst. Requests received after 4pm are normally followed up on the next business day. For more immediate assistance, give us a call at 816-398-8772
Our price to handle standard traffic tickets is a flat $75 fee. Fees for other services may vary, but our rates are among the most competitive in the area.
TRAFFIC TICKETS Handled By Speeding Ticket KC
Basic Traffic Tickets Handled for the $75 Flat Fee
- Speeding
- Less than 20 mph over the speed limit(certain exceptions apply)
- not in a school zone or construction zone
- No Insurance
- Stop Sign or Stop Light Violation
- Failure To Signal
- Minimum Speed Limit
- Driving on Wrong Side of the Road
- Failure to Yield
- Lane Violation
- U-Turn violation
- Following to Close
- Improper Passing
- Various other tickets(contact us if yours is not listed)
All of the above tickets exclude any that involve a traffic accident
Traffic Tickets Handled AT A DIFFERENT RATE
- Speeding(over 20 MPH over)
- Driving While Suspended or Revoked
- Traffic Tickets Involving an Accident
- Careless and Imprudent Driving
- Driving Without a License
- Leaving the scene of an accident
- Eluding the Police
- Hit & Run
- Aggessive Driving
- Minor in Possession
- Various other tickets(contact us if yours is not listed)
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Clay County CircuitCourt TrafficTicket Lawyer
Have you recently been cited for a traffic violation in Clay CountyCircuit Court? In many cases, these traffic tickets can be easily taken care of with the help of an experienced Clay Countytraffic attorney. At, we understand howfrustrating handlingClay Countytraffic tickets can be and we are committed to fight to protect your driver’s license,rights and ensure you have a peace of mind. That is why we have dedicated our traffic law firm to providing aggressive defense for persons cited for traffic violations in Clay CountyCircuit Court.
Our professional Clay Countyspeeding ticket lawyer represents clients who have been cited for all traffic related violations such as driving while suspended, driving at a dangerous speed, U-Turn violations, DUIs, running red lights, and many other violations. With the help of our speeding ticket attorney, our firm will try to get your ticket dismissed, get the best possible plea deal, or go to trial if necessary.
Work with an experienced traffic attorney in Clay CountyClay Circuit Court
Having practiced traffic law for many years and successfully handled many traffic ticket cases in several courts; ourClay Countytraffic lawyer can tailor a personalized defense strategy that will address unique circumstances of your traffic ticket. With the vast experience serving clients in Clay CountyCircuit Court, he knows the kind of defects that can get your traffic ticket reduced to a non-moving violation or even dismissed. When you hire our Clay Countyspeeding ticket attorney to handle your citation, he will do the heavy lifting to give you the best outcome possible. Our Clay Countytraffic lawyer will take care of all court appearances and save you the hassles involved with having to appear in court. OurClay County speeding ticket attorney will manage your case at every stage to help you relieve stress, minimize court fines, and save your license.
UnderstandsClay CountyCircuit Court traffic law
Traffic laws are quite complex and keep changing each day. Our traffic lawyer is conversant with all the current traffic laws in various jurisdictions. While it may be tempting to deal with traffic tickets on your own, there are often complicated procedures to follow that can spell the difference between failure and success of handling traffic tickets. Having our Clay Countytraffic attorney handle yourClay County traffic ticket could be well worth it. Our Clay Countyspeeding ticket attorney regularly represents clients inClay CountyCircuit Court and is more likely to understand how to present his defense before the judges. His knowledge and skill will often increase your chances of winning your case.
Working with ourClay County traffic lawyer means that you won’t have to miss work to make a court appearance. You are free to continue with your daily business as our Clay Countyspeeding ticket attorney works out everything for you. Moreover, we have made it easy for clients amend their tickets in the quickest and most convenient way.
At, our Clay Countytraffic lawyer offers:
- A comprehensive scope of traffic ticket services.
- Effective communication informing you of the status of your case at every stage.
- Proven representation in Clay CountyCircuit Court.
- Numerous victories in and out of the courtroom.
- Reasonable legal fees with no hidden charges.
- Flexible payment plans that fit most budgets
- One-on-one consultation and case assessment.
Call us now about your Clay County Traffic Ticket
If you’ve been charged with a traffic violation in Clay CountyCircuit Court, you need an experienced traffic attorney from to represent you. Let ourClay County traffic lawyer save you time and help you avoid the heavy fines, driver’s license suspensions and insurance increases that can make your life miserable. Our qualified speeding ticket attorney will provide you with the help you need to get the best possible result for your traffic charge. Contact us today for a quote or any questions you may have. OurClay County traffic attorney is always ready to prepare your case thoroughly.
A History of the Circ?it Co?rt of Clay Co?nty, Misso?ri
The Circ?it Co?rt: A Pillar of History
At the heart of this narrative stands the Circ?it Co?rt—an institution that has weathered the tides of time. For generations, it has been the stage u?on which legal battles ?nfolded, where rights were defended, and where the co?rse of lives changed forever. The co?rt’s im?osing facade, etched with the weight of co?ntless decisions, silently bears witness to the ebb and flow of j?stice.
The courthouse was built in 1881 and served as the center of local governance for the county. It was designed in the Victorian Gothic style and features a distinctive clock tower that has become a landmark in the area.
Legal Minds and Comm?nity Sha?ers
Within the hallowed halls of the Circ?it Co?rt, legal l?minaries have clashed, their arguments echoing through wood-?aneled chambers. Attorneys, j?dges, and j?rors have gra??led with com?lex cases—some m?ndane, others momento?s. Their debates have sha?ed not only individual destinies but also the collective conscio?sness of Clay Co?nty.
A Comm?nity Defined
Beyond its legal significance, the Circ?it Co?rt has ?layed a ?ivotal role in sha?ing the community. It has been a beacon of stability, providing a sense of order in times of chaos. Families have gathered here, seeking resol?tion and clos?re. Neighbors have crossed ?aths, their lives intersecting within these walls. And as the gavel falls, j?stice reverberates—a reminder that the ?ast informs the ?resent and lays the gro?ndwork for the f?t?re.
The courthouse has undergone several renovations and restorations over the years to maintain its historic integrity. In 1974, it was added to the National Register of Historic Places, recognizing its significance in the architectural and cultural heritage of the region.
Early Beginnings
The roots of the Clay Co?nty Circ?it Co?rt trace back to the early 19th century. As settlers carved out their homesteads along the Misso?ri River, the need for a formal legal system became evident. In 1822, the co?nty officially organized its first co?rt, ?resided over by J?dge Simon Cockrell. This inaug?ral co?rt session set the stage for what would become a vital institution in the county’s development.
The Circ?it Co?rt Unfolds
The first Circ?it Co?rt convened shortly after the co?nty’s formation. Its officers—dedicated j?rists and legal ?ractitioners—gra??led with issues ranging from land dis??tes to criminal cases. J?rors, drawn from the local ?o??lace, deliberated ?nder the watchf?l eyes of Lady J?stice. Roads were established, tax lists com?iled, and the machinery of j?stice set in motion.
Growth and Develo?ment (1840-1870)
During the mid-19th century, Clay Co?nty experienced significant growth and development. The construction of roads and bridges facilitated the movement of ?eo?le and goods, and the establishment of schools and ch?rches helped to shape the community. The co?rt played an important role in this growth, handling cases related to land dis??tes, ?ro?erty ownershi?, and criminal offenses.
Late 19th century (1870-1900)
The late 19th century saw significant changes in the co?rt’s str?ct?re and o?erations. In 1874, the co?rt a??ointed its first circ?it clerk, William L. Smith, who served until 1878. He was followed by Alex J. Calho?n, who held the position until 1880. During this ?eriod, the co?rt also saw the a??ointment of several other notable figures, including Bisho? A. Bailey and Edwin G. Hamilton.
20th Cent?ry (1900-2000)
The 20th cent?ry saw the co?rt continue to evolve, with the introduction of new technologies and ?roced?res. The court also played a significant role in the development of the country’s infrastr?ct?re, incl?ding the construction of new roads and bridges.
Noteworthy Moments
- A Co?rt Incident
In the annals of Clay Co?nty’s legal history, an intrig?ing co?rt incident stands out. Details are scarce, but the whis?ers of heated arguments, dramatic testimonies, and a s?r?rise verdict linger. Perha?s it was a case of stolen livestock or a bo?ndary dis??te—whatever the ca?se, it left an indelible mark on the co?rt’s legacy.
- The First Patrol
As the co?nty ex?anded, so did its challenges. The first ?atrol—a gro?? tasked with maintaining order—rode o?t to enforce the law. Their horseback jo?rneys crisscrossed the co?ntryside, ens?ring safety and resolving dis??tes. Their efforts laid the gro?ndwork for community ?olicing, a concept that end?res to this day.
- Bicentennial Moments
In 2022, Clay Co?nty celebrated its bicentennial. The Archives and Historical Library commemorated this milestone with a series of “Bicentennial Moments.” These brief videos trans?orted viewers back in time, revealing sni??ets of the co?nty’s ?ast—the ?ioneers’ str?ggles, the birth of towns, and the evol?tion of j?stice.
The Legacy Lives On
Today, the Clay Co?nty Circ?it Co?rt remains a vital thread in the fabric of community life. Its halls—?olished by co?ntless footste?s—bear witness to j?stice served, j?stice denied, and the ceaseless dance between law and society. As we walk those same corridors, we honor the j?dges, j?rors, and litigants who sha?ed o?r corner of Misso?ri. Their legacy, etched into the very bedrock, whis?ers: “This is where we stood. This is where we fought for fairness.”
The Evol?tion of J?stice
The Co?rtho?se Chronicles
The im?osing Clay Co?nty Co?rtho?se, with its grand col?mns and stately clock tower, has witnessed co?ntless legal dramas. Within its walls, lawyers have s?arred, witnesses have testified, and j?ries have deliberated. The creaking wooden benches bear the weight of generations seeking j?stice—a silent testament to the end?ring ??rs?it of tr?th.
Landmark Cases
In some cases, they catch themselves in the collective memory. The “Ma?lewood M?rder Trial” of 1898 gri??ed the co?nty. Acc?sations flew, alibis cr?mbled, and the j?ry’s verdict reverberated thro?gh the comm?nity. Was j?stice served? O?inions remain divided, but the trial remains a to?chstone—a reminder that the co?rtroom is both theater and cr?cible.
The Great Fire
In 1922, disaster str?ck. A fire eng?lfed the co?rtho?se, devo?ring records, legal documents, and memories. The community rallied, salvaging what they could. The reb?ilt co?rtho?se stands as a ?hoenix—a symbol of resilience. Its walls echo with the footste?s of lawyers, clerks, and litigants, each adding a new layer to the county’s legal saga.
S?ecific Cases
- The Battle of Liberty (1838):
- In the aftermath of the Mormon War, the Circ?it Co?rt gra??led with the arrest of Jose?h Smith, fo?nder of the Latter-day Saint movement.
- J?dge A?stin A. King ?resided over the case, which centered on charges of treason and inciting a riot.
- The co?rt’s decision—Smith’s release due to lack of evidence—highlighted the delicate balance between religious freedom and ??blic order.
- The Jesse James Trials (1883-1884):
- Infamo?s o?tlaw Jesse James faced trial in Clay Co?nty for his role in the infamo?s James-Yo?nger Gang’s crimes.
- J?dge John W. Henry ?resided over the ?roceedings, which ca?tivated the nation.
- Despite evidence linking James to robberies and m?rders, the j?ry acq?itted him, reflecting sym?athy for the Confederate ca?se and resentment toward Reconstr?ction ?olicies.
- The Prohibition Era Cases:
- During the 1920s, the Circ?it Co?rt gra??led with enforcing Prohibition laws.
- Notable cases involved bootleggers, s?eakeasies, and clashes between tem?erance advocates and those who flo?ted the ban on alcohol.
- J?dges navigated the com?lexities of morality, individual liberties, and societal norms.
- Civil Rights and Desegregation:
- In the mid-20th century, the co?rt faced ?ivotal civil rights cases.
- Brown v. Board of Ed?cation (1954) challenged segregation in schools, and local j?dges gra??led with im?lementing desegregation orders.
- Their decisions shaped the co?rse of equality and j?stice in Clay Co?nty.
These cases reveal the co?rt’s role as both arbiter of j?stice and mirror of societal tensions. Each r?ling echoes through time, leaving a lasting legacy within these hallowed walls.
As we reflect on the history of the Circ?it Co?rt of Clay Co?nty, we recognize its role as more than a legal institution. It embodies the s?irit of a community—a microcosm of h?man str?ggles, tri?m?hs, and the ceaseless q?est for fairness. So, the next time you ?ass by the co?rtho?se, ?a?se and listen. Yo? might hear the whis?ers of j?dges long gone, still sha?ing the co?rse of j?stice in this corner of Misso?ri.
For those seeking legal assistance in Clay Co?nty, there are several criminal defense attorneys available to help with vario?s legal matters, incl?ding DUI cases. These attorneys are experienced in handling a range of criminal cases and can provide val?able g?idance and representation throughout the legal process.
Keep Insurance Rates Low
Insurance companies review your record to see if you have had traffic tickets when you apply for insurance. If you have traffic tickets on your license, they are known to raise your rates as much as 22% for over 3 years. This can cost you over a thousand dollars.
Do not waste your money on high insurance premiums. Let our speeding ticket attorney negotiate a plea to amend your traffic ticket to a non-moving violation
Do not waste your time going to court and trying to plea your case in front of a judge. Let our Clay County Traffic Lawyer do the work for you. has a simple process. Quick and Easy. Our traffic attorney has you covered. Put the flashing lights behind you and move on with your life! Let our traffic lawyer contact the prosecutor and negotiate a plea to amend your traffic ticket to a non-moving violation!
Keep Points Off Your License
Missouri has a point system that keeps track of traffic tickets in Missouri. Speeding tickets are moving violations in Missouri and add points to your license. If you get too many points you can lose your license. These points last on your record for up to 3 years. Losing your license can be devastating to your personal and professional life. Do not let traffic tickets curtail your life. Let our Clay County Traffic Lawyer contact the prosecutor and negotiate a plea to amend your traffic ticket to a non-moving violation.
- No Court Appearance (in most cases),
- No Office Visit,
- Flexible Hours to Contact Our Traffic Lawyer
- Most Matters Can Be Handled By Phone or Email.
- Pay with Credit Card. Check, Cash or Money order.
How Our Traffic Ticket Defense Works
Call or Click “Amend Your Ticket Today” and Inform us your ticket number and any other information relating to your ticket. If you are under 21, tell me your age.
An email will be sent to you containing all pertinent information including an electronic contract(you can sign it online with your smartphone, tablet or computer), request for pertinent information, fine and court costs, and a link to pay.
I will file on your case and set a court date and request a recommendation from the prosecutor.
If the prosecutor accepts my offer you pay your fine online(KCMO Tickets only) or the firm pays it with a check. Receipt from jurisdiction is sent and your email.
Speedingticketkc is now handling misdemeanors, felonies, animal control tickets, driving while suspended, DUI’s, and DWI’s.
Contact us now to find out our flat rates on those criminal matters.
flat free
It is true, $75.00* is our traffic attorney’s fee for basic traffic tickets. Examples of basic traffic tickets are: speeding under 19 mph over the limit, failure to have or produce insurance(but you have it now), stop sign or signal violation, turning violations, following too closely(non-accident), and several other 2-4 point violations.
Click here for a list of 2-4 point violations. Some Exceptions are made, contact our traffic lawyer to find out. More complex traffic tickets have different rates. Remember, the traffic lawyer’s fee does not cover fines/court costs due to the court. Contact us for a detailed quote.
*on basic traffic tickets
TRAFFIC LAWYER SERVING THE KANSAS CITY METRO AND BEYOND is a modern traffic law firm in the digital age with an old fashioned personal touch by our Traffic Attorney.
Our electronic process allows you to handle your basic traffic matter without ever leaving home. But, you will always know our Clay County Traffic Lawyer is available to answer your questions by just making a call. Kansas City local traffic attorney Chris Simons handles your matter from beginning to end, giving each client his direct email and personal cell phone number.
Cities we serve: Adrian, Archie, Bates City, Belton, Blue Springs, Buckner, Butler, Cameron, Claycomo, Cleveland, Drexel, Fairview, Ferrelview, Gladstone, Grain Valley, Grandview, Greenwood, Houston Lake, Independence, Kansas City Missouri, Kearney, , Knob Noster, Lake Lotawana, Lake Tapawingo, Lake Waukomis, Lake Winnebago, Lawson, Lee’s Summit, Liberty, North Kansas City, Oak Grove, Oakview, Parkville, Peculiar,, Platte City, Platte Woods, Plattsburg, Pleasant Hill, Raymore, Raytown, Riverside, Smithville, Sugar Creek, Tracy, Warrensberg, Weatherby lake, Weston,
Contact us if your ticket is not on this list so our traffic lawyer Missouri can be of assistance.
Statewide: Missouri State Highway Patrol and Sheriff
Counties we serve: Bates County, Benton County, Caldwell County, Cass County, Chariton County, Christian County, Clay County, Clinton County, Cooper County, Daviess County, Dekalb County, Henry County, Holt County, Jackson County, Johnson County(MO), Livingston County, Nodaway County, Pettis County, Platte County, Ray County, Saline County, St. Clair County,
Contact us if your ticket is not on this list so our traffic lawyer Missouri can be of assistance.