Speeding Ticket KC-Traffic Lawyers In Kansas City

Assessing Traffic Safety: Is Kansas City, MO a Safe Choice for Your Move? – Guest Post

Assessing Traffic Safety

Did you know that Kansas City, Missouri has a population of 509,319, making it the 37th largest city in the country? With it’s low unemployment rate (2.7% as of April 2023) and the cost of living being 5% lower than the national average, you may start considering moving to the city.

As you research what it’s like living here and looking at homes you’d like to buy in Kansas City, it’s important to know that driving in the city isn’t the safest. Just over the fourth of July weekend, there were 390 traffic accidents that led to 152 injuries and 8 fatalities!

If you’re thinking about moving to Kansas City, Missouri, SpeedingTicketKC can shed some light on how to stay safe in the city.

Distracted and Impared Driving

It may be your first instinct to pick up your phone to check the newest text message or Facebook notification, you cannot–we repeat–cannot use your cellphone while you’re driving! Even though the fine for using your cellphone is relatively light (a mere $20.50 per infraction), you still shouldn’t do it. Not just for your safety, but for everyone else’s, too.

Of course, your cellphone isn’t the only example of distracted driving. This can also include looking at the radio, “rubber-necking” as you drive by an accident or traffic stop, or even singing along to a particularly energetic song.

We won’t even go into driving while impaired, whether it’s drugs or alcohol–just don’t do it.

Get Plenty of Rest

We understand that it can be difficult to only drive when you’re well-rested. Whether you’re coming home from a hard day at work, you’re having trouble sleeping, or you’re trying your best to get home after a long road trip, driving while fatigued puts you, your passengers, pedestrians, and other drivers at risk. Plus, you can face legal repercussions for negligence if you’re responsible for an accident.

Wrangle In the Speed Demon

It doesn’t matter how much you want to get home to see your loved ones or how late you are to work, you have to obey the speedlimit. It’s common knowledge that speeding is one of the most common causes of accidents and when you combine that with distracted driving, fatigued driving, or worse, impaired driving… Well it’s a recipe for disaster.

Here’s a look at the maximum speed limit on the different roads you’ll be traveling on in Missouri.

Save a Life and Drive Safely

In truth, it doesn’t matter if you’re in the process of buying a home in Kansas City, Missouri or if you’re just passing through, these safety tips are invaluable. No matter where you drive, when you drive safely, everyone benefits.

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