Ticket for parking near handicap sign My son was pulled over by an officer. My…
Being a handicapped person, should I buy a parking permit for a beach community where everybody needs the permit?

Being a handicapped person, should I buy a parking permit for a beach community where everybody needs the permit?
I have some friends on saint Pete beach. I sometimes go visit them. I am a handicapped person and do have a legal tag from state. One of my friend told me I might have to buy a permit from the city to park my car in a residential street. I live in the city but not on the beach. One time I went somewhere and there was no handicapped parking available but there was a police officer there. So I asked him where to park. He told me I can park in any available parking and will not get a ticket. So I am very confused now that should I buy the permit or not.
Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer
Contact the city and see if they say whether you need a permit or not. If they do, then contact the state and see what they say. If there is a conflict, call an attorney for the matter.