Common Criminal Charges in London and How Solicitors Defend Them – Guest Post

Criminal Charges

The regional legal environment generates confusion for those in such a magnificent city as London besides, being in contact with the criminal law charges. It is very difficult to choose a specific criminal charge because minor infringements to grave offenses are there in every category. Anyone involved in this system needs to have some knowledge about such charges and defense strategies used by a Criminal Defence Solicitor in London. In this article, the author focuses on the general criminal offenses found in London and the ways legal attorneys seek to explain their client’s actions.

Common Criminal Charges in London

1. Theft and Burglary

The London area is also notorious for some of the Highest rates of theft and burglary. Theft is defined as stealing another person’s property without his/her consent whereas burglary entails the act of entering and/or breaking into a structure with intent to steal or commit an offense. They may include simple theft where an individual steals a few items from a store or a commercial building to major break-ins where a suspect takes time and effort to burgle several buildings.

2. Assault and Battery

The whole ambit of assault consists of simple assault, with no contact possibly needed, and aggravated assault, involving grievous affray. Battery, which is generally used interchangeably with assault, is the actual physical execution of an act that causes harm. These charges are usually fabricated in situations where a woman has been assaulted by her husband, boyfriend, or relative or where someone has been involved in a scuffle with the public.

3. Drug Offence

The following types are frequently reported in London; possession; trafficking; and distribution of controlled substances. The seriousness of these charges differs with the type of the drug and the amount that was in possession, as well as any circumstances that surrounded the arrest.

4. Driving Offenses

This list contains the criminal charges associated with driving such as driving under the influence (DUI), reckless driving, and driving with an invalid license or insurance. These offenses are not only punishable by law but prove punishable by having or retaining one’s driving privilege withdrawn or revoked.

5. Fraud and Financial Crimes

Swindling and economic offenses are serious allegations connected with pretenses and obtaining services or goods by deception, theft by trickery, and credit card theft. Such crimes may necessitate elaborate forensics and complex legal work to be executed as part of prosecuting the perpetrators.

6. Public Order Offenses

Public order offenses include activities that produce or anticipate strain in public and cause harm to people and property, including unlawful assembly, loitering, and being drunk in public spaces. These charges are however pertinent especially in the city of London since this city is often associated with large-scale public events and protests.

How Solicitors Defend Against Criminal Charges

First, it is imperative to evaluate the case and review the evidence in hopes of increasing our understanding of the impact of perspectives and exploratory experiences within a group scenario.

The first process in the defense plan is an analysis of the case and its features. Solicitors understand that no stone should be left unturned and ensure that they go through all the documentation, police statements, or even forwarded paperwork such as accident reports or photographs of the scene or injury. This process assists in revealing areas of vulnerability in the prosecution case and what legal issue may lead to dismissal /reduction of a charge.

1. Challenging Evidence

An essential component of the handling of criminal cases is the ability to successfully attack evidence which forms the basis of the charges. Counsel for the defendant can also raise an Affirmative Defense based on the unlawfulness of the evidence in question, whether the evidence was collected by the police during an unlawful search and/or seizure or the evidence is inadmissible on account of some procedural irregularities, technical mistakes or breach of the chain of custody.

2. Preparing for Trial

As it pertains to suits, solicitors work on an elaborate defense strategy when the case is taken to trial. This also involves building and telling a story that seeks to suggest that the defendant was not guilty or that there were special circumstances that put him/her in a poor light, questioning or challenging the reliability of the prosecution’s witnesses, and trying to present evidence and witnesses in favor of the defendant.

3. Mitigating Sentences

When a conviction is inevitable, solicitors ensure the tender is reduced or the prison term shortened. This can range from availing character references, mitosis of regret, previous clean records, or even situations that make the defendant deserve a lighter punishment than the accused.


Police complaints and criminal charges in London could be quite overwhelming but, understanding the various charges most people encounter as well as the different attorney defense strategies used in London can be helpful. It may be theft, assault, drugging, robbery, embezzlement, fraud, or forgery – in any of these or most other criminal cases, a professional London criminal defense attorney lawyer has a very important task: representing the accused, fighting for the accused within the legal process aiming for the best scenario.

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