Does time served pay for fines to related case Served 60 days in jail for…
Do I have a case and if under what type of law?

Do I have a case and if under what type of law?
I took a job teaching special ed. and for two weeks everything was fine. At the two week mark, I asked some legal compliance questions, as the IEPs i inherited appeared to be out if compliance. During the ensuing 6 months, I was constantly followed by vice principal, written up for outright lies (I have proof), told to change documentation then told it was wrong and to change it back. I was placed on two corrective action plans and was never able to meet them to their satisfaction as the basis was was attendance but I had no issues with that and they attacked me over unrelated items and made up issues….I was even written up for “rustling” papers during a meeting that actually hadn’t even started and started 45 mind late. I attempted to follow the chain of command and spoke to the principal, hr, then the superintendent. No one would even look in to my claims of bullying and lying. The effect on my family was tremendous….causing severe anxiety, depression, weight loss for all of to varying degrees and I finally ended up in hospital with a ruptured diaphragm and strangulation intestines resulting in emerg. Surgery.
Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer
You made valid questions about legal compliance, and were harassed and attacked because of it and you have damages. It seems clear you have a suit. But it is not the best of lawsuits. You did not make a formal claim and the retaliation was not completely direct. Start contacting the eeoc and employment attorneys and see if any will take it.