Speeding ticket question So I just got summoned to court for a ticket that happened…
Do I have a case to fight a marked lanes ticket?

Do I have a case to fight a ticket?
I am from CT, heading up to Southern NH for an interview. My GPS took me through Lowell. Coming up to one of the intersections (red light), there were two lanes. With no signs, and my GPS telling me to go straight, I meandered down the left one as it had less cars (the right lane had a long line). Well after I had passed the start of the line in the right lane, the left turn only arrow came on, and the left lane emptied. With no cars in it I could see a badly faded left turn only arrow. As I was still 150-200 feet from the light, with nobody behind me, and going very slow, I decided to flip on my blinker and hope that when the light changed I could merge into the correct lane (people do this in CT all the time).
Hindsight being 20/20, I should have made the left, but just before the light one of the drivers in the right lane let me in. As soon as I merged a cop on the other side lit up and pulled me over. I was very polite, and wasn’t sure why he pulled me over at first, but he gave me a marked lane violation (Ch 89:4A) for $105. The subsection specifies unsafe movement as required (I used blinker, and was let in easily). Is there a good chance I can have it thrown out?
Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer
Get a lawyer and get the ticket amended and move on with your life. There is only so much time you will want to dedicate your life to this.
Here are some Tips on Beating a ticket