What can I expect to happen to me with four tickets? I have four tickets…
He was indicated scheduled to come back in 14 days for arraignment what should he expect to happen when he goes in? Be detailed

He was indicated scheduled to come back in 14 days for arraignment what should he expect to happen when he goes in? Be detailed
Has 8 felonies 2 transferring an receiving. Burglary 2conspiracy to committe a felony desruction of property b and e two counts grand larceny their are three co defendant s one statements 1 pawn shop video also what chances they will drop some ?if so how many? an what is the likely hood he will go to jail? When will they drug test him?
Criminal Defense Attorney Richard Simon’s Answer
I do not quite understand your question. It sounds like HE is in a lot of trouble and needs an attorney asap. When he is arraigned he will be asked to plead guilty or not and they will set bail. 8 felonies sounds like he should have already been arrested and it sounds like he somehow had the money to bail. As for dropping charges that is all up to the prosecutor. 8 felonies if plead or convicted is almost certainly jail time. Drug testing might occur at arrest if they feel any of these crimes are related to drug activity. Please feel free to clarify the question.