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Is it legal for Telecheck to keep me on a high alert for bad check writing for threehundred thousanddollars .Walmarts mistake.
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Is it legal for Telecheck to keep me on a high alert for bad check writing for threehundred thousanddollars .Walmarts mistake.
Telecheck denied me a check for 30.01 dollars .I had the money in my account.I went out and called them and asked why i was denied .They said it was put in for writing it for three hundred thousand dollars.I was so embarrised.They told me i was put on a high security risk and i would have to wait seven days to have my name taken off.All calls are recorded.I asked them to take my name off immeditly.They refused..I went to my bank .The bank called they updated my account so they said.Im waiting on them to send me my file on my checks that may cause the system to denie me again.This didn’t happen at a good time my brother had passed away .I had to go through all this because the Walmart employee punced in the wrong amount.People are getting declined for no fault of there own so Telecheck can have all the power .Is there any thing that can be done maybe a civil lawsuit or something.
Traffic Richard Simon’s Answer
Yes it is legal for them to put you on high alert, they are a private entity you are using