Suspended Ticket ! What can I do Asked 18 minutes ago - Kansas City, MO…
Our son was home from school today and for a second time some kids in his class said he was going to shoot up the school
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Our son was home from school today and for a second time some kids in his class said he was going to shoot up the school
This is the second time this has happened and it has been a traumatic and emotional thing for him and us as well.. The school won’t say where the info came from but kids talk and it came from a group of kids that my son has no contact with at all..
Is there anyway to find out who it was and file a lawsuit against these kids and their parents for deformation.. Since the school seems to just want to sweep it under the carpet.
This kinda thing will follow my son arourd and he a good kid and wouldn’t hurt a fly..
Something should be done to teach these kids that there will be consequences for giving false information as a joke..
Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer
It is very tough to sue children for defamation or hold the school liable. One fact that is needed, how old is your son?