Speeding ticket for 30 miles above speed limit of 70 mph Hi, I got a…
Speeding ticket – 30 MPH over – (70 in a 40) – what are my options?

Speeding ticket – 30 MPH over – (70 in a 40) – what are my options?
On Memorial Day, I was traveling eastbound on I-70, where the speed limit is 70 MPH. As I neared 695, I took the Park and Ride/Security Blvd exit and maintained my speed (moving slower than the flow of traffic around me) unaware the posted speed limit had dropped to 40 MPH. A car had passed me on the right an I became focused on that car as I wanted to be sure to leave plenty of room for the upcoming merge area. I merged behind that car and shortly there after the car ahead reduced his speed significantly – almost coming to a stop. A state trooper on the shoulder flashed his lights and motioned for us to go by. When I passed the officer he motioned for me and the other driver to pull over. At the time, I was unaware I was speeding. I was given a ticket for 70 in a 40MPH.
What are my options at this point to fight this ticket?
I have no points and no other tickets since 2005. However in 2005 I did have my license suspended for six months rather than have a 1 year ignition interlock device installed on my car for a DUI – which I received a judgement of “nolle prosequi”. My record prior to 2005 consists of 3 seat belt tickets and a failure to show registration from 1993.
Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer
Contact an attorney and get this thing amended and off your license. Do not take chances in court.