Misdemeanor warrant I got a possession charge about 4years ago, the one and only time…
What are the most likely consequences for a minor facing misdemeanor C theft?

What are the most likely consequences for a minor facing misdemeanor C theft?
I’m a minor and I was charged with misdemeanor C theft for allegedly stealing from Walmart, this is my first offense and I was given a citation and a juvenile field inquiry. What are the most likely consequences I will be facing, as in what will I most likely have to do? And what are all the possible consequences that I could get?
Misdemeanor Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer
according to texas penal code (Tex. Pen. Code Ann. § 31.03(e)(1)(A).) The punishment for a Class C misdemeanor in Texas is a fine of no more than $500, and does not involve any jail time. $500 fine is not the worst punishment I have heard, but hire an attorney and keep this off your sons record.