They won't let me get a lawyer The govmt keeps harassing me and won't let…
What happens if I don’t get a lawyer?

What happens if I don’t get a lawyer?
I was turning left with a yellow flashing light and thought I had enough time to turn but I misjudged how much room I had to the care coming through the intersection who had a green light. He almost t-boned me, but swerved and clipped my bumper causing damage to my car and just a little to his. The officer gave me a failure to Yield causing a accident ticket with a court date. I was told that I should get a lawyer because of my previous history of accidents (I have 2 speeding tickets, 2 points were taken off my license in 2014, and 2 other accidents, no tickets were given). I don’t have enough money to get a lawyer. Is it likely that I will get my license suspended or go to jail? Driving school? How much of a fine am I looking at paying? Thanks!
Richard’s Answer
2 point violation or pay an attorney, cost will most likely be $283.50 and you will need a copy of the wreck report and discharge letter from the insurance company.