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Can a police officer come into my home, put me in cuffs, then lock me in their police car without any reason/explanation?

Can a police officer come into my home, put me in cuffs, then lock me in their police car without any reason/explanation?

A police officer came to my apartment looking for the man who had lived here before me, which wasn’t told me to until after this whole incident. I answered the door frustrated with the excessive banging that was going on and to my surprise there was a cop there. She asked me repeatedly if anyone else was in the apartment with me, and I responded “no” every time because I was alone. She must have thought i was trying to protect the man who they were after because she made up the smell of marijuana to try to gain access to my apartment, and I do not smoke marijuana. I was telling the officer they needed a warrant to enter, and I was constantly ignored. Only until I raised my voice did i get a response of “I have the right”. I try to call my dad to sort out the confusion and then the officer wrestles my phone from me as it is ringing and puts me on the floor and places me in cuffs. I am put into total shock by this and begin yelling to my dad, who I hear has picked up, that i am being arrested and have no idea why. I am then locked in a police car while two officers search through my apartment for five minutes, find nothing, then release me from their custody and go on their way.

Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer

The police can enter under certain exigent circumstances, this sounds a bit excessive. I would file a complaint, you are owed at least an apology and an explanation.

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