How do I get $1,700 owed to me that I lent a former friend/coworker? 29th July 2019 Other Areas of law, Questions & Answers None How do I get $1,700 owed to me that I lent a former friend/coworker? How do I get $1,700 that I lent to a coworker who quit his job and is refusing to pay me back? Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer File a claim in small claims court or hire a lawyer and sue them. If you do it yourself, gather as much evidence as you can the loan existed. Home Related Posts Is a friend to friend loan considered a security?Is a friend to friend loan considered a security? securities issue Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s… Does my friend have any options??Does my friend have any options?? A friend received a settlement....He then loaned a friend… How do I dispute damage charges from a former landlord?How do I dispute damage charges from a former landlord? How do I dispute charges…