Should I contest my parking ticket Last night I was given a parking ticket outside…
Can I contest a Failure to yield that resulted in an accident where no one got hurt
Can I contest a Failure to yield that resulted in an accident where no one got hurt
I was driving in Kansas City,MO and came to a signal with 3 lights. I was on left most lane, turning left. The light was green, I waited for about 5 seconds did not see any oncoming vehicles and turned left. After almost crossing, I got hit in the back with damage to my bumper. The car that hit me had damage to front. Neither me nor anyone on other car was injured. Called 911. The cop gave me a Fail to yield right of way to approaching vehicle when making left turn. As I did not see the car I am assuming it came from the gas station across the street and hit me on the back. What are my chances of contesting in court
Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer
You most certainly can contest the ticket and should hire an attorney. The main issue for you is not the ticket or points but the liability associated with the ticket. If you just pay it that is a guilty plea. You need to get the plea to not guilty or nolo contendre.