When they go to close his case will it be revoked? My friend is currently…
Can I get his bond revoked and if I can will I be responsible for the full $1,000?

Can I get his bond revoked and if I can will I be responsible for the full $1,000?
My son in law was charged with domestic abuse. He and my daughter were sitting on a bench at the park, talking and enjoying the day. A stander called the police and said that he pushed my daughter and she fell down into the street. He did not/would not push her down. They never fight! They love each other very deeply. According to my daughter, 7 police officers showed up. After thoroughly searching him, they arrested him and charged him with domestic abuse/violence. They both tried talking to the police but to no avail! The bystander was not there when the police showed up. How is this legally possible for the police to arrest him having no evidence what-so-ever? The bond was $1,000. I put up a total of $145.00. Now there is a restraining order on both of them! They will not stay away from each other until my daughter can get the restraining order removed. My concern is that my daughter will get arrested as well for violating the restraining order! So naturally, I regret posting bond for him.
Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer
You are in a pickle. They need to stay away from each other or they will revoke that bond and you and him will be responsible for the full $1,000. How can they arrest him? Someone called the police and the police appeared to believe it, now they may not have had enough evidence to make an arrest and that might get it thrown out of court. Also, if your daughter refuses to testify against him, or testifies that nothing happened, then the case will be dropped. Can she be arrested for violating the restraining order, no, but he certainly can. She needs to stay away and wait till this is settled.