What are my options if any regarding such school bus violations? school bus WASN'T completely…
Can I get in trouble for ALMOST running a school bus stop?

Can I get in trouble for ALMOST running a school bus stop?
Ok, so my high school is on a hill. At the bottom of the hill after turning off of it There is the main road, and a roundabout a bit further up. Anyways it s very busy, and we were all bumper to bumper. The cars in front of me were having people turning, and kept stopping randomly. So I was extremely focused on what s in front so I didn t hit anyone. On the other side of the road the buses were heading towards the high school/middle school on the hill. Then about a second before reaching the bus the sign must of went out. The car in front of me kept going as did the others. The person behind be turned so it was someone else who was stopped further back like your supposed to do. The bus driver kept motioning me to stop. I realized it and stopped a little bit before their window really quick. It was a lot going on and this just came out of no where. Yes I understand it was wrong, but will I still get in trouble even though I didn t run the bus stop?
Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer
I think you are fine and have not broken any laws. No police were present, no citation, just a bus drivers word if anything, and you did come to a stop. Relax and stop worrying.