Response I never went AWOL, I spent 2 weeks in Texas county jail then transported…
How can I get a stranger buried in one of my burial plots moved?

How can I get a stranger buried in one of my burial plots moved?
I purchased the plot 9 years ago with other polts. I was never issued a deed, but I do have the receipt which states the location of the plots including the one where a stranger was buried. I just discovered the stranger burial last Memorial Day when I went to see the family grave sites. The stranger burial is less than 1 year old. The Manager of the cemetery is not the one I purchased the grave site from and he claims there was no deed or receipt for the site, so he sold it someone else. However, by some miraculous reason the the new manager can’t/won’t explain, he does say I do have grave sites, but he assigned me different sites than what is on the receipt I have.
Is this legal? Can a new manager simply reassign plots? If the manager had no receipt or deed, what made him give me other grave sites?
Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer
It appears it is not legal, you bought specific sites and those are your sites. I would demand they evict the current tenant and leave your plot open