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How can I receive treatment the inmate refused to be tested

How can I receive treatment the inmate refused to be tested
I got into an altercation a work with an inmate. I got hurt blood to blood contact with inmate. Same day I got tested. A week later I was told I have hep c. This happen in January. Worker comp allowed me to see my pcp. Worker comp say they are investigation to see if I could have gotten it from the inmate. They told me to go to my pcp again due to me being nausea and vomiting but my pcp would only let me see them through my health ins. They will not see me again on my pm medical cause they said it is fraud. On the mean time I have not received any treatment. What can I do to receive treatment.
Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer
You can start receiving treatment from you doctor and come back and sue for workman’s comp. Get yourself treated because it is your health and hire a workman’s comp lawyer to settle it out.