What is t status of limitations on driving without a license? 7 years ago I…
How do I get any driving priviledges for work if my license has been revoked for nine years in Oregon

How do I get any driving priviledges for work if my license has been revoked for nine years in Oregon
I now live in Calif, and my license was revoked in 2007 for past DUIs in 91, 93, 2000, & 2007. I have 2 driving while revoked, one in 2010 and one in 2016. The later ones are over 20 years old. Can I get a hearing with an attorney at DMV to ask for restricted driving priviledges. I’m trying to stay working and its not easy without a license. Both times that I went to court on the driving while revoked charges, both courts could not believe that I didn’t have my license, in fact they both told me to go to DMV and get one because my driving history was not aggressive in the least and its been quite some time. So I’m trying to find out how and if there is a way to get any sort of restricted driving priviledges for work.
Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer
Hire an attorney to file suit against the dmv to force them to give you a license. This is based on the facts provided. My question is, which court was shocked about your license, CA or OR? Fill in that fact and I will provide you a better answer.