II have a traffic warrant if I go get an state I'd will I be…
How do I see a judge about getting my traffic bench warrant fees refunded? 1 day late to pay, court held w/o notice 8am nxt day.

How do I see a judge about getting my traffic bench warrant fees refunded? 1 day late to pay, court held w/o notice 8am nxt day.
I was making payments on expired plates, no car insurance tickets,issued back in 2010 that I was not able to pay because of unemployment, & being homeless, + each time I was finally in a position to start making payments on them from getting a job, & off the street, I was arrested 1st time on my way to get on calendar for crossing the street right in front of court house, I was not quite inside the crosswalk. by 2 feet. ( that charge was dismissed later)) tickets had gone into 1st warrant,= in custody=loose job, and studio, judge O.R’ed me, 3 mths later repeat 2nd warrant, in custody loose job, apt again, 3rd time warrant, I pay $400 down from tax refund 02/16 on now 930.00 fines, BW recalled at window balance of $530 mthy pmt= $100 due 31st each month. Pay 100.00 03/24. $100 04/22. Contact court clerk on 05/22 that I will be late on next pmt because of memorial day weekend PC deposited till 05/31, so funds not avail till 06-02. Clerk said to come to window on 06/02 for court date see judge & make payment. 06/02 9am clerk has marshall there to arrest me unless I pay $730 now. WTF I just paid 700.00! NOW I had to pay $730 again! I paid IT with my whole paycheck, LOST APT NOW!
Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer
I agree with first counsels answer. I have seen traffic tickets cause more issues for people with everything connected to the entire process. Contact legal aid in your area, the public defenders office, and the NV Bar for a pro bono attorney. This situation is as messed up as the amount of tickets, warrants, and fees you have. I am sorry to hear about your troubles, there are many good attorneys in your state, someone will assist you in your matter.