How Does The Missouri Point System Work

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Missouri Department of Revenue Traffic Ticket Point System

The Missouri Department of Revenue uses a traffic ticket point system to determine the driving record of drivers in the State of Missouri. The point system is basically used to evaluate drivers’ record and inform the suspension, revocation, or denial of driving privileges.  The Missouri Department of Revenue assigns penalty points to a driver’s license whenever the holder is cited or convicted of a traffic violation. Different traffic offenses cost different point amounts.  For instance, a traffic conviction for leaving the scene of an accident results in 12 points.  Some of the state law violations that would get you assigned points include:

  • Speeding
  • Careless driving
  • Driving under influence of drugs
  • Obtaining a driver’s license using false identity
  • A felony involving a motor vehicle
  • Allowing an unlicensed driver to drive

Each Missouri driver’s license has a total of 12 points. The points accumulate with each traffic ticket one gets. The assigned points can accumulate and reach a level where they affect one’s eligibility to drive a legally in the State of Missouri. Actually, accumulating too many points will result in penalties, court-imposed actions, and higher insurance premiums. These point stay on a driver’s license record for at least three years. 

So how exactly does the Missouri’s point system work?

While getting points on your driver’s license does not mean automatically receiving a notification from the Missouri Department of Revenue, if you happen to accumulate 4 points in a span of 12 months, you’ll receive a point accumulation advisory letter that serves as a warning that you’re accumulating points too quickly.

Driving License Suspension Missouri Point System

If a driver’s license holder accumulates 8 points within 18 months, the Missouri Department of Revenue will suspend their driver’s license. A driving license can also be suspended automatically if one skips a court appearance for a traffic ticket.

The duration of a suspension depends on the number of prior suspensions, if any.  The first suspension will last for 30 days, and if it is a second suspension the holder loses their license for 60 days. But if it is a third suspension or more, the driver loses their license for 90 days.

Revocation Missouri 

A Missouri driver’s license stands revoked if the holder accumulates points in three ways. First, if they accumulate 12 points or more in a span of 12 months. Secondly, if they accumulate 18 points or more in a span of 24 months, and lastly; if the holder is assigned 24 points or more within 36 months. Usually, a revocation has more serious ramifications as compared to a suspension.

Missouri Point Reduction

It is possible to have your driver’s license points reduced if you avoid getting additional points by maintaining an acceptable driving record.  If you do not accumulate new points for 12 months, your total record points are reduced by one-third.  A clean driving record for two years without any new points will have your total record points reduced by one half. Your record points can be reduced to zero if you avoid racking up additional points for three years.  However, some traffic ticket convictions will still appear on your driving record even when your points are reduced to zero. An example of such a conviction is failing to maintain motor vehicle insurance.

Can an old traffic ticket conviction be removed from my driving record?

It’s possible to have an old ticket conviction removed from your record after three years and upon meeting specific conditions stipulated in the law. You can then make a formal request to the Missouri Department of Revenue to have the conviction purged.

The Missouri Department of Revenue Point System determines the authenticity of your Missouri driving license. Having a good understanding of the point system will save you unnecessary hassles, save you time and money as well as help you to keep your driving record clean.

List of Missouri Moving violations 


From Missouri Form 899

Operate at Night Ordinance (Municipal Only)

Activate Red Light Non-Emergency

Aggressive Driving (Municipal Only)

Alter/Counterfeit license Identification Cards

Alter Driver License

Assault-3rd Degree Involve Motor Vehicle

Attempted Driving while Intoxicated (State Only)

Attempted Leaving Scene of Accident

Coast with Gears Disengaged

Collided with/Vehicle/Property

Cruising (Municipal Only)

Disobey Emergency Vehicle Ordinance (Municipal Only)

Disobey Funeral Proc Ordinance

Disobey Traffic Device Railroad

Disobey Traffic Control Device

Disobeyed Traffic  Officer

Drive with/Child on Lap/Municipal Tank

Drive Out of Service–15 Pass/Hazard

Drive Under Min Speed Limit

Drive Commercial Motor Vehicle without Obtaining a Commercial Driving Lenience

Drive Motorcycle Between Vehicle’s

Drive Motor Vehicles without Owners Consent

Drive too Fast for Condition

Drive While Disqualified

Drive While Out of Service

Driver’s View Obstructed

Driving Across Fire Hose

Driving on Shoulder (Municipal Only)

Driving Over Curb

Driving Over Sidewalk

Driving Through Barricade (Municipal Only)

Driving Wrong Side of Road

Eluding Police Officer

Endanger Welfare of Child (State Only)

Engage in Speed Competition

Erratic Speed

Excessive Vehicle Noise–Squeal Tire

Excessive Passenger Violence

Fail to Obey Rail Road Device/Officer

Fail to Remain in Moving Vehicle

Fail to Report an Accident

Fail to Slow at Rail Road Crossing

Fail to Stop at Rail Road Crossing

Fail to Stop for School Bus

Fail to Stop Before Rail Road Cross

Fail to Yield Right of Way

Fail to Yield/Collide with/Pedestrian

Failed to Reduce Speed

Failure to Dim Lights

Failure to Keep Right

Failure to Obey Rail Road Restrictions

Failure to Sound Horn

Failure to Stay on Pavement (Municipal Only)

Failure/Improper Signal

Fictitious/Cancelled/ Suspended/Revoked /Alter License

Fishtailing Following too Close

Follow with Insufficient Space

Gave False Info to Officer

Hot-Rodding (Municipal Only)

Impending Class/End/Violence Restrictions

impending Start From Parked Position

Impending Traffic movement

Improper Backing

Improper Emerging From Drive Improper Lane

Improper Passing

Improper Turn

Inattention/negligence /Careless Driver

Increased Speed When Passed

Insufficient Space to Drive Thru Rail Road

Insufficient Clearance Railroad Cross

Interfere With Officer/Traffic System

Leave Main Portion of Roadway (Municipal Only)

Minor in Possession (State Only)

Miscellaneous -Convert From Prior System (Miscellaneous Conviction)

Motor Fuel Theft (State Only)

No License-Possess or on Demand

Obstructing Traffic

Operating All Terrain Vehicle/Utility Terrain Vehicle  Under Influence Alcohol/Drug

Operating All Terrain Vehicle/Utility Terrain Vehicle  with Passenger

Operating Commercial Motor Vehicle with/Hand-Held Phone

Operating Commercial Motor Vehicle While Texting

Operating Off-Highway Vehicle on Roadway

Operating without Double/Triple Endorse

Operating without Hazardous Materials Endorse

Operating without Passenger Endorse

Operating without Tank Vehicle Endorse

Operating Without School Bus Permit

Open Car Door into Traffic

Operate Motorcycle 3 Passengers

Operated All Terrains Vehicle-Under Age of 16

Operating Motor Vehicle without Headlights

Operating Where Prohibited

Off Street Hit and Run

Off Street Hit and Run- Fatal

Overtake/Strike Rear of Vehicle

Present Another’s License  as Own

Prohibited U Turn

Riding Side saddle–Motorcycle (Municipal Only)

SB Drive Not Permit Vehicle to Pass (State Only)

Strike a Legally Stopped Car

Tamper with/Ignition Interlock Device

Tampering with Motor Vehicle

Texting While Driving Traffic

Turn/Signal Viol

Unauthorized Lane Use

Use Toolkit for sensing people in spaces to Control Traffic (State Only)

Viol of Ignition Interlock

Viol of Instruction Permit

Viol of Restricted License

Violated Open Container Law (Municipal Only)

Warning of Radar


Wrong Direction–Divided Street

Wrong Direction–One Way Street

TRAFFIC LAWYER SERVING THE KANSAS CITY METRO AND BEYOND is a modern traffic law firm in the digital age with an old fashioned personal touch by our Traffic Attorney.

Our electronic process allows you to handle your basic traffic matter without ever leaving home. But, you will always know our traffic lawyer is available to answer your questions by just making a call. Kansas City local traffic attorney Chris Simons handles your matter from beginning to end, giving each client his direct email and personal cell phone number.


Cities we serve: AdrianArchie, Bates City, BeltonBlue Springs, Buckner, Butler, Cameron, ClaycomoCleveland,  Drexel, Fairview,  Ferrelview,  GladstoneGrain ValleyGrandviewGreenwood, Houston Lake, IndependenceKansas City MissouriKearney, , Knob Noster, Lake Lotawana, Lake Tapawingo, Lake Waukomis, Lake Winnebago, Lawson, Lee’s SummitLibertyNorth Kansas City, Oak Grove, Oakview,  ParkvillePeculiar,, Platte City, Platte Woods, Plattsburg, Pleasant Hill,  RaymoreRaytownRiverside, Smithville, Sugar Creek, Tracy,  Warrensberg, Weatherby lakeWeston,

Contact us if your ticket is not on this list so our traffic lawyer Missouri can be of assistance.

Statewide: Missouri State Highway Patrol and Sheriff
Counties we serve: Bates County, Benton County,  Caldwell County, Cass County, Chariton County, Christian County, Clay County, Clinton County, Cooper County, Daviess County, Dekalb County, Henry County, Holt County, Jackson County,  Johnson County(MO),  Livingston County,  Nodaway County, Pettis County,  Platte County, Ray County, Saline County, St. Clair County,

Contact us if your ticket is not on this list so our traffic lawyer Missouri can be of assistance.


Keep Insurance Rates Low

Insurance companies review your record to see if you have had traffic tickets when you apply for insurance. If you have traffic tickets on your license, they are known to raise your rates as much as 22% for over 3 years. This can cost you over a thousand dollars.
Do not waste your money on high insurance premiums. Let our speeding ticket attorney negotiate a plea to amend your traffic ticket to a non-moving violation


Do not waste your time going to court and trying to plea your case in front of a judge. Let our traffic lawyer do the work for you. has a simple process. Quick and Easy. Our traffic attorney has you covered. Put the flashing lights behind you and move on with your life! Let our traffic lawyer contact the prosecutor and negotiate a plea to amend your traffic ticket to a non-moving violation!

Keep Points Off Your License

Missouri has a point system that keeps track of traffic tickets in Missouri. Speeding tickets are moving violations in Missouri and add points to your license. If you get too many points you can lose your license. These points last on your record for up to 3 years. Losing your license can be devastating to your personal and professional life. Do not let traffic tickets curtail your life. Let our traffic lawyer contact the prosecutor and negotiate a plea to amend your traffic ticket to a non-moving violation.

  • No Court Appearance (in most cases),
  • No Office Visit,
  • Flexible Hours to Contact Our Traffic Lawyer
  • Most Matters Can Be Handled By Phone or Email.
  • Pay with Credit Card. Check, Cash or Money order.

How Our Traffic Ticket Defense Works

  • 1

    Call or Click “Amend Your Ticket Today” and Inform us your ticket number and any other information relating to your ticket. If you are under 21, tell me your age.

  • 2

    An email will be sent to you containing all pertinent information including an electronic contract(you can sign it online with your smartphone, tablet or computer), request for pertinent information, fine and court costs, and a link to pay.

  • 3

    I will file on your case and set a court date and request a recommendation from the prosecutor.

  • 4

    If the prosecutor accepts my offer you pay your fine online(KCMO Tickets only) or the firm pays it with a check. Receipt from jurisdiction is sent and your email.


Speedingticketkc is now handling misdemeanors, felonies, animal control tickets, driving while suspended, DUI’s, and DWI’s.
Contact us now to find out our flat rates on those criminal matters.


flat free

It is true, $75.00* is our traffic attorney’s fee for basic traffic tickets. Examples of basic traffic tickets are: speeding under 19 mph over the limit, failure to have or produce insurance(but you have it now), stop sign or signal violation, turning violations, following too closely(non-accident), and several other 2-4 point violations.

Click here for a list of 2-4 point violations. Some Exceptions are made, contact our traffic lawyer to find out. More complex traffic tickets have different rates. Remember, the traffic lawyer’s fee does not cover fines/court costs due to the court. Contact us for a detailed quote.

*on basic traffic tickets

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