Will the a paraphernalia ticket be seen on my record if it is knocked down to a littering charge in court? My ticket could be knocked down to a littering ticket after court but I was ticked for paraphernalia. Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer I agree with the attorneys above, it is like any amendment … Read more
In MISSOURI will a ticket stay on my record or is it cleared when I am 18? I am 17 and received a paraphernalia ticket which could be dropped to a littering charge by my lawyer. I turn 18 in May 2016. Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer Stays on your record unless you can get … Read more
She has an upcoming court date. How do we get her a public defender,and how do we get guardianship of her person? Our daughter lives in the state of Missouri , She has 2 underage sons that live with their father because she left the family to live with a boyfriend. She has demonstrated many … Read more