Question 7 years ago I received 2 tickets for driving without a license. Paid my fines. If I get pulled over for not having a license would it be my first or third offense. Criminal Defense Lawyer, R. Christopher Simons Answer This would be your 3rd offense, making it a class E Felony.
Are there exceptions made to apply for ldp through dwi court before 45 days? my work requires I drive or face termination. 3rd dwi 45 day waiting period? not cdl Traffic Richard Simon’s Answer The court can always make exceptions, hire an attorney and have them plead your case.
What is t status of limitations on driving without a license? 7 years ago I received 2 tickets for driving without a license. Paid my fines. If I get pulled over for not having a license would it be my first or third offense? Justin’s Answer This would be your 3rd offense, making it a … Read more