Is it illegal to own ivory? Is it illegal to own ivory? Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer Yes unless you have a permit from the federal government. If you enjoy this article and would like to write for us. Please click on the link and submit your information. Write For Us
Should I ask for a change of venue that’s a conflict of interest or file a motion to quash or a motion to dismiss lack of evidence My son was locked up for attempt to cause bodily harm with a deadly weapon which was a conflict o probation with his probation officer investigator of the … Read more
Is there a way i can have a lawyer help me get the papers i need to fill out/sign to receive my inheritance. My father passed away in January. I was told i have inheritance coming to me i just need to fill out papers. The problem i have is that i dont know how … Read more
What can happen to me for being caught having sex on campus? I am a public school administrator and I was caught (about 3 hours ago) with my lover who is also an administrator on campus being intimate with him. This occurred on a non school day but because we didn’t turn off the alarm, … Read more
Attorney is in another city 4 hours a way. Our uncle use to work at nasa. And we think. It could be more. We dont Probate case. No will made . 518.000 in cash was on my uncles account. For 14 next of kin. The attorney has excessive unnecessay fees. That it left us with … Read more
Does my friend have any options?? A friend received a settlement….He then loaned a friend $25,000.00 to pay off a loan- to avoid paying extra costs, etc. The agreement was made to pay back money towards the loan. Now my friend is homeless…broke and needs money. He asked the guy to get a loan on … Read more
What recourse to do I have for timely submission and ending threats. Divorced father of 2, all parties live in Washington. As a part of our agreement, I am responsible for a portion of co-pays, deductibles and non-covered expenses. For third year, ex-spouse has delivered months of expenses after 4/15. This has forced me to … Read more
Can I take my husband to court to make him pay alimony and child support? I am legally disabled and newly pregnant. Since finding out, my marriage is falling apart badly. We are trying to work it out but it is a possibility for us to split. My husband has informed me if our marriage … Read more
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Can a lawyer represent both the defendant and the plaintiff ? If so what allows this circumstance ? In a law suit . My lawyer is listed in the courts as the person I am in a law suit with . Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer You have an attorney so I cannot provide you … Read more
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When does the statute of limitations start for a federal fraud charge? I’m trying to understand how the statute of limitations works. When does it start? I read that it starts once the criminal activity is completed. However, I came across a article that talked about a discovery rule. If an act happened six years … Read more