Will I lose my license and will I get privileges if I do? I am a 16 year old who just got his license in Ohio about two months ago. Within three weeks of driving I rear ended a car in a high traffic area and got a ticket with the charge of assured clear … Read more
How do I handle this ticket? I was following a friend to drop stuff off at their house after the semester ended and I got pulled over going 88 in a 70. The officer wrote me a ticket for going 79 and said no points would be added to my license and all I had … Read more
Can I sue her or the hospital for hippa violations? I was hospitalized in the psyche ward for a week and while there a girl I know and use to work with at another hospital was employed there. I later discovered she told several people at the hospital where I use to work about my … Read more
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What is the law for sexual consent age in Missouri? I am 17 and my girlfriend is 16. We have not had sex yet, and I am curious as to what the age of consent is in Missouri. We wanted to know how it works and what the guide lines are on it. Traffic Lawyer … Read more
What is my best option in regards to contesting the ticket in court versus just paying the cost of the ticket? I was in a very minor car accident on May 15th, 2016 at approximately 9:15 pm. I needed to cross over one lane to the left to have access to the turning lane to … Read more
Can a police officer come into my home, put me in cuffs, then lock me in their police car without any reason/explanation? A police officer came to my apartment looking for the man who had lived here before me, which wasn’t told me to until after this whole incident. I answered the door frustrated with … Read more
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Can that officer question him about this without me present? My 17 year old son was questioned about a fire cracker incident by a county cop without a parent. Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer Yes an officer may question your son without your present, if asked for you and denied that might help later, if … Read more
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What are my legal rightsin order to defend myself? I was sentenced to 2 years private probation in august and in April I was violated (my 1st and only) for not having a mental health evaluation done due to my lack of finances. There now is a capius warrant issued for my arrest and probation … Read more
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I have a subrogation claim being filed against me because a car accident ??????? What should I do? Debt Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer More facts are needed to answer your question, like who is at fault etc.
Will contesting my speeding ticket make it worse? I received a traffic ticket that says I was going 5 over when the officer said he saw me going 20 over. If I contest the ticket will the officer bring that up and fine me for 20 over? Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer No they will … Read more