Comments Off on What is needed to file a petition for judicial review?
What is needed to file a petition for judicial review? I am drafting up a petition for judicial review for an administrative decision the child support agency made. On the petition should I go into detail about why I am requesting a judicial review or should I keep it brief? Will I need to have … Read more
What forms do I need to file to appeal that parenting plan. And how do I get them? My sons mom filed for sole custody no visitation and child support. It says I have to file a pleading or answer within 30 days of being served. Since I want to oppose the no visitation what … Read more
Comments Off on How long do they have to serve me with ticket? I assume it has to be in person like any other subpoena?
How long do they have to serve me with ticket? I assume it has to be in person like any other subpoena? I was at fault for running a red light on March 5, 2016. I was only given the officers business card at the scene. After speaking with rep. from both insurance companies and … Read more
CAN I get a hardship license if my license is revoked in Kansas I live in Kansas my DL has been revoked can I get what they call a hardship license to get to and from work Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer According to the Kansas Department of Revenue website, No, you cannot get a … Read more
Can a Beth Din (Jewish Court of Law) be sued for issuing a Siruv (contempt of court for refusing summons)? Can a Beth Din (Jewish Court of Law) be sued for issuing a Siruv (contempt of court for refusing summons)? Has anyone ever heard of such a case? Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer Only in … Read more
Comments Off on What’s my recourse with a bogus following too close with accident ticket? Can this be fought and won? How much would this cost?
What’s my recourse with a bogus following too close with accident ticket? Can this be fought and won? How much would this cost? May 22, 2105 I was sitting in the left turn lane at a very busy intersection in Buckhead, second from the rear of a long line of cars, blocked in, waiting for … Read more
Can a car be towed if someone is there to pick up the car at an arrest? My sister in laws boyfriend was pulled over and arrested for no DL. She got to the store where the arrest was being made at and the officer would not let her take the car after they searched … Read more
Comments Off on Do I need to show up to court, or can I just pay the fine? Do I need a lawyer for this? How will this affect my driving record?
Do I need to show up to court, or can I just pay the fine? Do I need a lawyer for this? How will this affect my driving record? Received a ticket for “Failure to Keep Proper Lookout” Ordinance 340.140 90309050. It was a VERY minor fender bender in Creve Coeur, MO. Traffic Lawyer Richard … Read more
She has an upcoming court date. How do we get her a public defender,and how do we get guardianship of her person? Our daughter lives in the state of Missouri , She has 2 underage sons that live with their father because she left the family to live with a boyfriend. She has demonstrated many … Read more
What is going to happen What should I expect I was going 31 mph over had to post a $500 bond no pass go. I do have a cdl but was in my personal car 96 mph in a 65 mph zone . Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer Platte county has been tough on those … Read more