Do I have a case to fight a ticket? I am from CT, heading up to Southern NH for an interview. My GPS took me through Lowell. Coming up to one of the intersections (red light), there were two lanes. With no signs, and my GPS telling me to go straight, I meandered down the … Read more
What should I expect in court? I was going home from work to pick up my sister and was going down the side street officer said he caught me at 43 in a 25 and since I’m 17 about to be 18 I have to go to court. Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer I would … Read more
What can I do since the ticket claims I was going enough over the limit to not allow for taking a course to reduce points? An officer claims he clocked me via radar going 28 over the limit at the top of a hill followed by 30 over part of the way down and ending … Read more
Is Failure to yield to stationary emergency vehicle a moving violation and can I fight it if I can prove I just got on highway? I had just gotten onto the Oklahoma US 69 from getting gas and less than a mile there were two police vehicles on the side of the road, I couldn’t … Read more
Does 4-14A2 carry any points? I was pulled over on the FDR drive in New York City for driving a commercial vehicle (it was a van). I was issued a ticket for 4-14A2. It was about a $150 fine. The officer told me the ticket carries no points so I just paid it. I was … Read more
Can I get this removed if I show I was unaware? If I purchase insurance can it be removed? can I get the ticket lowered? Yesterday I was visiting with my boyfriend who lives roughly 30 miles from my house, I was pulled over to the side of the street talking to my boyfriend when … Read more
What is my best option in regards to contesting the ticket in court versus just paying the cost of the ticket? I was in a very minor car accident on May 15th, 2016 at approximately 9:15 pm. I needed to cross over one lane to the left to have access to the turning lane to … Read more
Will contesting my speeding ticket make it worse? I received a traffic ticket that says I was going 5 over when the officer said he saw me going 20 over. If I contest the ticket will the officer bring that up and fine me for 20 over? Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer No they will … Read more
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How long do they have to serve me with ticket? I assume it has to be in person like any other subpoena? I was at fault for running a red light on March 5, 2016. I was only given the officers business card at the scene. After speaking with rep. from both insurance companies and … Read more
I made an illegal U-turn So I was making the u-turn there because there wasn’t a sign here before and I didn’t notice it. As soon as I make the turn i see an officer come out of nowhere so I look behind i see the sign when I look back. The lady comes to … Read more