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Received impeding traffic but cop wrote the ticket in my dads name

Received impeding traffic but cop wrote the ticket in my dads name
the cop caught me going 39 in a 25 since i was polite she only issued me a impeding traffic. i have no problem paying the fine but for some reason the ticket has all of his stats. we both have the same name first, middle ,and last but the ticket has his height, date of birth and even his licence number? i was driving my moms car but i handed the officer my licence. i just don’t want him or my mom knowing about this as i can handle the fine myself. or even worse i wouldn’t want him getting in trouble for something i did. also the cop did say i have to appear in court is there any way i can dodge that and just pay the ticket so i don’t have to deal with court fees and there is no point in fighting this ticket.
Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer
This is the fun of urban legends. Cops make mistakes but the citation is aimed at your and you do not want your father in trouble. Get a lawyer and get this taken care of.