Court date on my tickets says,”TO BE NOTIFIED” How do I find out when my…
She has an upcoming court date. How do we get her a public defender,and how do we get guardianship of her person?

She has an upcoming court date. How do we get her a public defender,and how do we get guardianship of her person?
Our daughter lives in the state of Missouri , She has 2 underage sons that live with their father because she left the family to live with a boyfriend. She has demonstrated many signs of paranoid schizophrenic , and has been known to use meth, and marijuana frequently. She of course denies being a heavy user of alcohol or illegal drugs. She is very delusional and believes her current boyfriend is controlling her whole life, even through the news media, and even believes her boyfriend has a direct line to the White House. We would like to get her into a treatment program, but she has no income, and no insurance. She just lives off the current boyfriend. Facing a court date from 5 previous Failures to appear, and 3 DWI’s,some with drugs.
Defense Lawyer Chris Simon’s Answer
I agree with counsel above, it is her responsibility to get a public defender. Of note though is this, KC has a wonderful drug court with great success that can help her, if you can get to her and speak with her and her attorney about this situation, she may get in that program.