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We Need More Effective Road Safety Campaigns

What makes it so hard to follow traffic rules? This is a question that must be burning in the minds of the countless drivers who actually follow road safety rules to the letter because they see drivers that don’t seem to mind these rules on a regular basis.
When you spend the better part of the day on the road, there’s a likelihood that you will see your fair share of drivers who violate even the most basic of traffic rules. Running a red light is pretty common. There are also drivers who rarely use their turn signals. Some just ignore road signs completely.
Even more frustrating is the fact that a lot of people still drive even while under the influence of alcohol. Every day, we still hear about people getting involved in accidents because the person behind the wheel was drunk. If no one gets hurt, drunk drivers could get off relatively lightly especially if they have a skilled and experienced drunk driving lawyer by their side. Things, however, could get way more complicated if someone gets hurt or dies in a drunk driving accident.
With so many people ignoring road safety rules, perhaps it’s time for the authorities to come up with more effective road safety campaigns. Implementing more stringent rules for the acquisition of drivers’ licenses is one idea. Marketing campaigns that scare people with facts about the consequences of violating road safety rules is another. Anything to make people more mindful of these rules would be great.
Let the infographic below serve as a reminder of the most basic road safety rules everyone has to follow.