What are my legal rightsin order to defend myself? I was sentenced to 2 years…
What can I legally do to protect myself ? I do have a conceal carry permit
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What can I legally do to protect myself ? I do have a conceal carry permit
While I was mowing my lawn on a riding mower, my neighbor, who I have had problems with since 2003, stood on his property line and followed me up and down the property line as I was mowing, and continued to place his hand on and into his back pocket as though he was going to pull a gun on me. My neighbors behind me also witnessed his actions ass well. My security cameras caught everything on tape. This neighbor, has stolen, vandalized, threatened me, and now escalated to acting as though he would possibly shoot me. I took video to the local police they said they could go talk to him but it may just escalate things between my neighbor and I. I need help
Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer
If he is really harassing you like this you can hire an attorney to get a restraining order against this guy and keep him away.