What should I expect in court? I was going home from work to pick up…
What can my husband expect and which city will he be expected to go to for the contesting?

What can my husband expect and which city will he be expected to go to for the contesting?
My husband was merging into traffic on a freeway to go to work, after over 2 miles a cop pulled him over and gave him a ticket for “improperly passing on the right” and claimed he was driving on the shoulder. However, this freeway has 4 lanes and the officer was ahead of him by at least 4 car lengths and in the carpool lane. This was a cop from a completely different city. he was a Burien officer, claimed he saw it happen in Renton and didn’t pull him over until they were in another city. And he had to slow down and get all the wy over to the right lane and get behind him to pull him over. He was talking over my husband, not letting him speak and claiming he couldn’t hear anything. He also has no way of proving he saw my husband supposedly drive on the shoulder. The officer told him he can contest the ticket and as he was walking away, my husband said he was going to and the officer said good luck with that and could suddenly hear again…
Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer
There are very few times I see people contest a ticket and when. Trial goes like this, cop, “They did it”, defendant, “we did not do it” who does the judge believe. Also think about the amount of time and effort you are spending when you could be doing anything better with your life. Hire an attorney and get it amended.