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Will I be able to get out of a failure to yield traffic violation when I didn’t make a left turn or enter anyone’s lane?

Will I be able to get out of a failure to yield traffic violation when I didn’t make a left turn or enter anyone’s lane?
I was making a left turn onto a 4 lane road from another road that was ending. Absolutely no vehicles were coming from the left and only two vehicles were coming from the right. These two were almost side by side, each on a different lane, and no vehicles were behind them. The road is pretty big being a 4 lane so i went ahead and pulled out onto the empty first two lanes and waited in the middle of the road For the two cars to pass (it would have taken a few secs for them to pass). One of the cars was an officer and she pulled me over. I simply reversed back onto the road I was initially on. She told me she pulled me over because I was cutting her and another car off and gave me a failure to yield. Am I in the wrong here or is she? I had no intention of cutting in front of her but simply moving in behind her. Not once during the whole ordeal did I ever enter her lane or the other cars lane. I was going 0mph when she put her lights on. The other car had no issue and went on its merry way. I really don’t feel that ticket was fair, reckon I was in the middle of the road but a reasonable person would have known that I was letting them go.
Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer
Fair or not it is your word versus hers. The cost, expense, and general outcome in traffic court is never good. Get an attorney to amend it and move on with your life.