Different Kinds of Driving Infractions to Be Aware of as an Everyday Driver – Guest Post

Driving Infractions

As an everyday driver, it is essential to be aware of the various types of driving infractions that can arise on the road.

What is a Driving Infraction?

A driving infraction is a violation of traffic laws or regulations while operating a motor vehicle. These infractions can range from minor offenses to serious violations, significantly affecting your driving record, insurance premiums, and legal standing.

Types of Driving Infractions

  1. Speeding: One of the most common driving infractions, speeding occurs when a driver exceeds the posted speed limit. The severity of this infraction often depends on how much over the limit you were driving. Speeding can result in fines, points on your driving record, and increased insurance rates.
  1. Reckless Driving: Reckless driving involves operating a vehicle with a blatant disregard for the safety of others. This can include excessive speeding, weaving through traffic, and aggressive driving behaviors. Reckless driving is a serious offense that can lead to hefty fines, points on your record, and even license suspension.
  1. DUI (Driving Under the Influence): DUI refers to operating a vehicle while impaired by alcohol or drugs. This is not only illegal but also incredibly dangerous. DUI convictions can lead to severe penalties, including fines, license suspension, mandatory alcohol education programs, and even jail time.
  1. Running Red Lights or Stop Signs: Disobeying traffic signals such as red and stop signs is a common infraction. This can result in fines, points on your record, and even increased insurance premiums, indicating a disregard for basic traffic laws.
  1. Distracted Driving: With the rise of mobile devices, distracted driving has become a significant concern. This includes texting, phone use, eating, or any action that diverts your attention from the road. Many states have enacted laws to combat distracted driving, and violations can lead to fines and points on your record.
  1. Failure to Yield: Failing to yield the right-of-way to other vehicles, pedestrians, or cyclists when required by traffic laws is another common infraction. This can result in accidents and various penalties, depending on the severity of the situation.

What to Do if You Get a Driving Infraction

Getting a driving infraction can be stressful, but it’s crucial to handle it properly to minimize the impact on your driving record and legal standing. Here are steps to consider:

  1. Stay Calm: If you’re pulled over, remain calm and respectful when interacting with law enforcement officers.
  1. Understand the Infraction: Review the ticket to understand the specific infraction you’re being cited for and the associated penalties.
  1. Consult a Lawyer: Depending on the severity of the infraction, it might be wise to consult a lawyer, especially for complex cases like DUI charges. A lawyer can provide legal advice, represent you in court, and help reduce penalties. 


Awareness of the different driving infractions is crucial for maintaining a safe and responsible driving record. From speeding to DUI, each infraction carries its own set of consequences. If you face a driving infraction, consider seeking legal advice to navigate the process and mitigate the penalties. Remember, responsible driving not only keeps you safe but also contributes to the overall safety of everyone on the road.

Written by Taylor McKnight, Author for Barone Defense Firm

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