Communication is essential for lawyers. However, too often, they communicate in a way that is formal and rigid, which leads to misunderstandings and tension with their clients and within their practice and less than satisfactory results. Discover some of the best communication practices that will help you sound persuasive and succeed. The benefits of good … Read more
Tips for Handling Your Hit-and-Run Case There are many things you can do to protect yourself from the risk of being involved in a hit-and-run accident, but sometimes they still aren’t enough. Even the most well-prepared plans can’t account for freak accidents or one-in-a-million situations you’d never imagine yourself being in. That’s why it’s still … Read more
If you have been injured in a car accident, you are probably hoping that you will get some type of payout from the responsible party or their insurance company. After all, your car accident has probably impacted you in a variety of ways, including financially. Because of this, you might be planning on fighting your … Read more
Fatal car accidents occur an average of 90 times a day, and 3 million people report car accident injuries yearly. While you can reduce the likelihood of getting into an accident by staying alert, you can’t control other drivers. If you do get into an accident, it can take a toll on you emotionally. Learn … Read more
For anyone operating a business, small or home-based, it is a requirement in Ontario that you have commercial auto insurance on any vehicle that you use for work. However, what does this mean exactly? Commercial auto insurance is different from your personal auto insurance. To a certain degree, they both cover the same things at … Read more
No one wants to get a speeding or parking ticket, but getting one (or both) is an unfortunate reality for many drivers. While the fines may be a pain to pay, the more significant concern is whether or not these tickets will impact your insurance rates. Unfortunately, the answer is yes. Speeding and parking tickets … Read more
For many people, estate planning may simply mean creating a will. There are even many who consider estate and trust planning as something done only by the most affluent people in society. But this is not true. Everyone needs to ensure proper will and estate planning to ensure that all their personal assets are distributed … Read more
Sixteen people died in Pennsylvania construction zone crashes in 2021. The number of these accidents for that year totaled 1,649. Victims of these incidents include Department of Transportation workers, other road construction company employees, and drivers. A work zone brings a number of hazards for workers and drivers. Certain speeding violations in work zones carry … Read more
Car insurance is a type of insurance that is required by a driver to operate their motor vehicle. Essentially, you pay a monthly premium that your insurance provider determines before signing on, and then you will be provided with certain protections. For instance, car damage may be covered if you get into a car accident. … Read more
Insurance is essential and mandatory when it comes to owning and driving a vehicle. This is designed to protect you, the driver, your passengers, and any other people who may be involved in any kind of accident. Extended auto insurance is the additional insurance you can purchase that provides you with more coverage and is … Read more