Strep throat hopefully healed by Monday but if not can my father go tell the…
How can I require to be made right? The unsafe nature caused me to have to move, and yet I’m being called names and being wronge
How can I require to be made right? The unsafe nature caused me to have to move, and yet I’m being called names and being wronge
I have rented a house for almost 2 years, with the old glass screw in fuses. I have had to replace them constantly. About 1 1/2 months ago wr woke up luckily to find the wiring was on fire. I shut off main breakers and notified the landlord we would b moving due to this. We have had to run off a generator and being a single mom took me this long to rent another place. I have been painting the new place and going back and forth to feed the dogs and get stuff daily. When I went the other day someone had released my dog to animal control and the neighbor says it’s abandoned property so people are entering my home as per my landlord i did stop paying rent so I could move and the generator cost $7 a day. No eviction has been served
Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer
This sounds like a terrible situation. Your landlord must give notice and process to evict you and cannot claim the house is abandoned. His claim of abandonment is causing people to breach the covenant of quiet enjoyment(covenant that states no other may make claim to your land) you have as the leasee of the land. You need to hire a lawyer and take this landlord to court. You are living in unsafe, dangerous conditions and it is best you leave before a fire happens and you get injured or lose your life.