Motorcycle Accidents: Why Lawyers Advise Against Trusting Insurance Adjusters – Guest Post

Insurance adjusters are intermediaries between insurance companies and the insurer. They evaluate compensation claims and decide an amount that will be awarded as a settlement to accident victims.

However, it is one thing to receive an unfavorable estimate from the adjuster and another thing to know that the figure in their calculator is incorrect on purpose.

If the amount offered as compensation by the insurance adjuster is insufficient, then it’s time to contact a motorcycle accident attorney. A lawyer will make it easy for you to deal with all the complications that arise in a motorcycle accident claim.

The Tricks of an Insurance Adjuster

Insurance adjusters have an enormous influence on the compensation. A flawed estimation results in lowball offers, which is quite damning because you get a fraction of what is required to cater to medical bills or repairs, or loss of wages.

At times, these adjusters will flat-out deny claims, which makes policyholders so frustrated and helpless.

Additionally, insurance adjusters are under pressure to reduce claims. They will be loyal to the insurance company, and this will bring in a bias that will give the policyholder a less favorable outcome.

Do not accept the insurance adjuster’s opinion the way it is. Occasionally, one may be involved in a motorcycle accident or have a disputable motorcycle insurance claim, thus bringing in a lawyer.

Lawyers ensure that you are compensated fairly for all your losses. This is your right, and no one should waive it on your behalf. Stand up for yourself and fight for that which you rightfully deserve.

Motorcycle Accidents

Why Lawyers Warn Against Trusting Insurance Adjusters

Insurance adjusters are never your friends, even though they may appear as one. The truth is they are after closing the claim as quickly as possible. Lawyers advise clients to avoid dealing with insurance adjusters. Those lawyers are not doing the wrong thing because insurance adjusters are wolves in sheep’s clothing.

When it comes to a motorcycle accident claim, it is highly advised to contact a motorcycle accident attorney. The adjusters are taught how to reduce the compensation as much as possible, and they are very unrelenting. They may make unfair demands on you to sign for a small offer or manipulate you into saying things that may impact your case.

Here are just a few reasons why lawyers advise against trusting insurance adjusters:

  • Conflict of interest: An adjuster is an employee of the insurance company and not of the policyholder.
  • Lowball offers: They have the skills to pay out as little as possible to the policyholders.
  • Tricky questions: Some of the questions that adjusters may ask you when talking or meeting with them may be tricky. Answering these questions may reveal confidential information that will hurt your claim.
  • Lack of transparency: You may get shortchanged since adjusters do not reveal all the benefits that you are eligible for.
  • Time limits: You will find that adjusters will delay you in a way that will make you miss deadlines for filing.


Insurance adjusters are highly skilled in their line of work, which is to protect the insurance company’s interest. Be careful when you’re interacting with them.

Consult an experienced attorney who can protect your interests and make sure you are paid fairly. They can even fight for you in court if the settlement negotiations fail.

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