Court fees unpaid I was summoned to court for driving with a suspended licence and…
Opponent attorney in the court

Opponent attorney in the court
I just had my court and I’m VERY shocked of how the opponent attorney even lied in front of the judge. I knew she was difficult to deal with and it’s been so stressful along the way but I thought this might be because I’m self represent and not professional so she’s taking advantage of my situation. However, that was not the case. She had the audacity to try and trick the judge. The judge asked her a very simple task, to go print out the disso master and she did but changed the amount like $700 less than what I was suppose to get. We caught her but I was just simply shocked of why should would do such a thing knowing she’s gonna get caught. She has a major attitude when she talks to me so it makes me wanna slap her in the face. Fortunately, she lost the case but it’s hell dealing with her. I got the worst attorney to deal with.
This is not normal is it? I don’t think attorney’s try to trick the judge, right?
That’s the worst thing you can do for your career.
Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer
It has been my practice that mos attorneys are honest, but there are a few bad apples out there. They get weeded out over time.