Is it legal for 5 people to live in a three bedroom apartment.? I live in three bedroom apartment and there is five people. Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer From a quick review of the law no. There used to be urban legends that went around about law not allowing so many people of the … Read more
Should i get a lawyer My son is in the first grade and he have the teacher that always harrasing him she has went as far as cursing him out. And sending department of children and families to my house twice. And i talk to the principle and they have no knowledge of anything at … Read more
Is this summons valid. and if not how do i overturn default judgment due to this factor. Document Issued: Summons– Landlord-Tenant Date Issued: 01/22/2016 Due Date: 02/21/2016 returned: Service/Attempt Date:02/22/2016 I was served a summons after the due date for the summons expired. The plaintiff won his case by default judgment because i failed to … Read more
How do I get $1,700 owed to me that I lent a former friend/coworker? How do I get $1,700 that I lent to a coworker who quit his job and is refusing to pay me back? Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer File a claim in small claims court or hire a lawyer and sue them. … Read more
Who is responsible? I parked my car in the fire lane on private property that I pay rent to and I got my car towed. Anyway, I was actually charging my car in the fire lane, the tow truck driver didn’t see that I was charging it because it was dark and late at night. … Read more
Is a friend to friend loan considered a security? securities issue Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer Need more info, like have you attached collateral to it If you enjoy this article and would like to write for us. Please click on the link and submit your information. Write For Us
Is there a possibility to be exempt from this horrible ACA PENALTY? I had employer offered health insurance for my family. An incident had me terminated for 3 months( Jan.,Feb.,March) I have returned to same employer and insurance restored. Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer I do not understand what the question is?
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Can i get my original birth name back and change ss number if so how much i was adopted in 72 Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer Yes you can change your name, social only in extreme circumstances.
Can I send a Cease and Desist to ISP? I recently made a solar energy documentary, and presented it at Hot Springs documentary. Not long after that I started selling dvd’s. I worked very hard on it, and was very disheartened to see it on the pirate bay. I’ve sent the pirate bay a DMCA … Read more
How do I find Title IX violation lawyers to defend a student? I would appreciate any guidance in finding lawyers with expertise in dealing with higher level (university) Title IX violations in Chicago, IL area to defend a student and communicate with Department of Education. Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer Searching on here is one … Read more