Do i qualify for an annulment? When i was 16 i married my husband (who is now in jail for shooting two elderly ladies with no major injuries) hes 20 now and im 17 now, i married him in january of 2016. I just recently found our that last year i was unconsious from consuming … Read more
Can a married wife sue her husband for child support if they are still married and living together? In New York. Married couple, not separated (yet). We have two children together, 3 y.o. and 6 month old. Husband is not providing enough for the children, wife works full time and buys them everything. He only … Read more
Should I just pay the ticket or hire a lawyer to avoid the points? I had a speeding ticket from a motorcycle officer. Was driving 50mph on a 35mph zone. I asked the officer if there is any points will be on my record and he said will be 2 points. That was 26 days … Read more
How much will I have to pay in the state of Missouri and will points be put on my license I got pulled over by the state patrol going 78 in a 60 mile-an-hour area Kansas City Traffic Lawyer Chris Simons Answer All depends on the jurisdiction. And who your lawyer is
Is it legal for 5 people to live in a three bedroom apartment.? I live in three bedroom apartment and there is five people. Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer From a quick review of the law no. There used to be urban legends that went around about law not allowing so many people of the … Read more
Are phone calls recorded between someone outside the USA and someone in a 2-party consent state admissible as evidence in court? This question is purely out of curiosity. To expand on the question, if someone living in a country other than the United States records a phone call with someone in the United States who … Read more
What a bout open cantainer can that be sealed dont have a life Kansas City Traffic Attorney Chris Simons Answer Need more facts but in general no open containers must be sealed in a plastic bag. Cannot answer the life question.
Can planning a murder land you in jail? Can planning a murder land you in jail? Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer This is an old law school question. The real question is, are you planning a murder of a specific person or making up a hypothetical perfect murder. If a person plots the murder of … Read more
You said it cant bebut sealed but you did not say why why is that and thanks law Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer Need more facts to answer question
How do I, as the victim, go about having this part of his sentence modified or lifted changed so we can see each other? I would like to get a criminal no contact order lifted for my exhusband. He was sentenced to 10 years for rape 2nd w/o consent & possession of deadly weapon in … Read more