I made an illegal U-turn So I was making the u-turn there because there wasn’t a sign here before and I didn’t notice it. As soon as I make the turn i see an officer come out of nowhere so I look behind i see the sign when I look back. The lady comes to … Read more
Do I go straight to jail if I waive it? Or when do i goto jail? I was offard a 120 if i waive the prelim. Lawyer said we might get it reduced and said I wont be going to jail at the prelim i dont understand the 120 then Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer … Read more
THANK YOU thanks to all the attorneys who answered my many questions concerning my 3rd dwi. I will be losing my driving priviledges may 28,2016. Another chance for ltd in 90 days. again thank you. God bless you all Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer You are certainly welcome from all attorneys on avvo.
How do i create a motion to file & present to the courts? due to financial obligations im not able to afford an attorney, so im currently representing myself in the mo courts to convert my legal separation into a divorce. i was told i needed to file a motion for paternity & one to … Read more
What do u do? Will I receive mail time There was an incident at a car dealership. The manager was very disrespectful calling me and my mother names. Just all around ride man. Cops were called. We got into an argument he put his hands in my face while I was holding my 2 year … Read more
Can I be charged with driving with suspended license for moving a car in a parking lot? I had tires put on a car at a tire and lube center, and when the work was done I moved the car to the main parking lot. I was never out of the parking lot. At the … Read more
What happens if I don’t get a lawyer? I was turning left with a yellow flashing light and thought I had enough time to turn but I misjudged how much room I had to the care coming through the intersection who had a green light. He almost t-boned me, but swerved and clipped my bumper … Read more
“Will I be held liable for car collision by not yielding right of way as claimed by other driver’s insurance company?” I approached on a one lane T intersection feeding into a main roadway, with a car in front of me. It took me about five seconds to reach him, and he was signaling a … Read more
Comments Off on My friend was put in jail for FTA to traffic court and was arrested. how long will she stay?
My friend was put in jail for FTA to traffic court and was arrested. how long will she stay? we were pulled over for having no insurance and tags and she missed the court date and had a warrant to be arrested. she is now in adair county jail. Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer She … Read more
Comments Off on I got pulled over doing 102 in a 70 in Wisconsin is that a petty offense?
I got pulled over doing 102 in a 70 in Wisconsin is that a petty offense? Did 102 in a 70 is it a petty offense? How can I get it reduced? And will they take my license? Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer I will actually need more facts for this question. What type of … Read more