Court fees unpaid I was summoned to court for driving with a suspended licence and doing 55mph in a 25mph in a cunstuction area and was ordered to pay 400 in 90 days in 90daysim on ssi facing hardship cuase my ssi stopped for a mistake saying i was incarserated and wasnt got resolved an … Read more
How do I see a judge about getting my traffic bench warrant fees refunded? 1 day late to pay, court held w/o notice 8am nxt day. I was making payments on expired plates, no car insurance tickets,issued back in 2010 that I was not able to pay because of unemployment, & being homeless, + each … Read more
Comments Off on How many times can a ticketed CDL driver fail to appear at Traffic Court and then file a motion to vacate ex-parte conviction ?
How many times can a ticketed CDL driver fail to appear at Traffic Court and then file a motion to vacate ex-parte conviction ? A CDL driver, who was ticketed for unsafe lane change (with an accident), keeps failing to appear in Traffic Court, and then filing a motion to vacate an ex-parte conviction. How … Read more
Comments Off on Does this ticket carry Points or does it fall under the HOV “between exits 49-57” exception?
Does this ticket carry Points or does it fall under the HOV “between exits 49-57” exception? Good day counselors, I crossed the HOV divider by Exit 52 LIE as per ticket. I got ticket for that. That is it as I did have a passenger in car. Does this ticket carry points or just a … Read more
Is NYC Admin Code 24-218 a misdemeanor? I haven’t found any information on the type of code penalty this is. I was driving on 6/10 and went over a bump and then heard a loud noise from the exhaust. I proceeded to drive to my mechanic but was pulled over and ticketed. I was given … Read more
What should I do about a Delaware speeding ticket while I have my Maryland provisional license? I am currently 18 years old on a Maryland provisional license. In December 2015, I received a 6-month probation before judgement for speeding 87mph in a 55 (which ends on June 22). This reset my provisional period by another … Read more
How much for two different counties? I have two traffic tickets in two different counties. I missed both court dates and now have a bench warrant out for my arrest. If I cannot afford two hire an attorney, am I able to get a public defender? Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer I agree with counsel … Read more
Comments Off on I received a traffic ticket on 5-12-16 . As of today, 6-10-16, the ticket has not been filed.
I received a traffic ticket on 5-12-16 . As of today, 6-10-16, the ticket has not been filed. I received a traffic ticket on 5-12-16 . As of today, 6-10-16, the ticket has not been filed and as a result I cannot request a trial. What should I do? Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer Hire … Read more
Comments Off on How to fight a traffic ticket that is missing information and filled out incorrectly?
How to fight a traffic ticket that is missing information and filled out incorrectly? I’m a CDL driver that was driving a CMV through the town of Hawthorne, NV when I got pulled over by a sheriff for supposedly doing 55 mph in a 40 mph zone, the officer cited me for 50 mph. The … Read more
Loud bass music I was driving down the road in las cruces New Mexico and got a ticket for having the music too loud can I get a fine or can I fight it it was after mid day Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer You can always fight it, but this is not a moving … Read more