Can an error on a traffic citation be grounds for dismissal? I was cited for 15 mph over in a 2004 Chevy SUV. However, the citation states that I was driving a 2010 Chevy sedan. Traffic Lawyer Richard Simon’s Answer Simple errors like that occur all the time and are not grounds for dismissal. The … Read more
Is it possible to get Failure to Appear removed from my record in Mo? The original reason for the tickets has since been resolved. Is it possible to remove from record somehow? Justin’s Answer Yes. It’s called an expungement and it’s relatively simple. Contact an expungement attorney in your area for more info.
Can an officer be parked in a dark place without any lights on and still pull you over? I was recently pulled over for not having a tag on my back bumper. The officer pulled me over but he was parked in a dark parking lot without any lights on. Can he do that? Justin’s … Read more
Court date on my tickets says,”TO BE NOTIFIED” How do I find out when my court date is? I got two tickets one for expired plates the other for failure to show proof of insurance. I have insurance but, didn’t realize I could show proof on my phone. What are the fines for these and … Read more
Is it safe to go to the courthouse? As unlucky as I am, I got pulled over a few days ago, with four prior active warrants for failure to appear in court, all for failure to prove insurance. The officer was compassionate to let me go, but he issued me a fialure to produce insurance … Read more
Is my ticket void if the officer never asked me to sign the ticket and how do I know if he signed his I got a speeding ticket in Missouri and the officer never asked me to sign it and his signature isn’t on the ticket that I have? Justin’s Answer No, failure to sign … Read more
What punishment for violating unsupervised probation for traffic tickets I have a court date coming up tomorrow and it’s for probation violation for driving on suspended and no insurance,I haven’t committed any new offenses just haven’t been able to go get my driver license being I don’t even drive anymore for about 2 years now … Read more
How many times can you get a ticket for expired tags before you get arrested? My wife has been driving with expired tags since October 2017. She has been trying to save money for the tags but the longer she waits the more the tags are. She just got her 3 ticket for her tags. … Read more
What happens if court already issue me a continuous to get a lawyer for traffic tickets but I don’t have my lawyer with me I have tickets for driving with out license , no insurance , and tags was expire Justin’s Answer That depends on the court, the judge, and the number of continuances you … Read more
I received a ticket for rear ending someone, they changed lanes suddenly and got in front of me and stopped suddenly ? How much would the ticket be and how many points? If I have a lawyer help what would the fee be? Justin’s Answer It depends on how it’s charged; typically, following too closely … Read more