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What is the thesis statement about online learning while writing an argumentative essay? – Guest Post

An Argumentative Essay on the Pros and Cons of Online Learning
Education is an intangible quality of human experience which never stops at a single place. Learning is the method which reflects on one’s mind to create the full impression of education as a whole. However, learning methods are going through an ocean of change since the rising trend of online learning throughout the globe. It was moving at a decent pace globally, which took a sharp jump after the outbreak of the Movie 19 pandemic.
Like all other things, online learning has its share of convenience and problems. This essay put forward an argumentative view on online learning discussing it’s positives and negatives with an equal lens. If you need an essay on urgent basis, you can simply buy essay online.
Positive aspects of online learning over traditional learning
The advent of the internet and data science has changed many traditional trajectories of life in the 21st century. One such example is the sporadic rise of online learning. Students are finding it much easier with only a laptop or digital device to gather the entire knowledge of a class lecture.
The global quarantine has compelled student to go completely online as they discovered it as it’s only alternative. It has flourished as a worldwide business more than ever.
People could overcome much stringency through the widespread availability of online education. One doesn’t have to reach college in a physically adverse environment. Also, a cell phone or desktop is enough to manage the job.
Students also found a considerable cost cutting as transportation, restaurant, and libraries all became online. A student does not have to bear the extra cost of these added items with the traditional way of education. So, He always try to take philosophy essay help.
Here are some specific arguments in favour of online learning.
- A much more convenient approach
The most important convenience of online learning is its work from home method. As a student you are capable of earning for your own sustenance. So it is best to enjoy learning with the comfort of your home. Your headache is cut short in more ways than one. You don’t need to wake up early. Don’t rush for the bus, and don’t travel long distances to reach your class. Also, nobody expects you to wear your school uniform while you attend an online class.
You can stay at your place with your level of privacy and attend the class without these extra headaches.
- A less costly method of study
From students to universities and other learning institutions, online learning saves a huge cost. Teachers do not have to reserve a place for lectures. Your transportation cost, uniform cost, shoes everything goes away immediately. Also, with the proliferation of online texts and materials students save huge money which were spent on books and study materials. Hence, a sharp cost reduction is easily visible in case of online learning. This is genuinely a positive aspect of online learning.
- A quicker way of receiving education
Your teacher is gearing up for the class and all you need to do is to switch on the video conferencing app on your digital device. The process takes only 5 to 7 minutes to begin. It is easily saving hours and hours of journey of reaching your educational institute and returning back home. What took 2 to 3 hours, barely takes any time now.
- Unlocking more learning opportunities
Suppose you always wanted to learn an art form or a foreign language outside of your syllabus.
Maybe you could not carve out some extra time after managing a two to three hours of journey. Or maybe the class was coinciding with your usual course hours.
Also, did you really find a school in your locality offering a world class learning opportunity? With the spread of online education now, sky’s the limit between you and your desired object of learning. Students can learn from teachers of many countries who may follow a completely different time zone.
Negative aspects of online education
The first negative or adverse observation of online learning is it’s little history. People have very little experience on the pros and cons of online learning as yet.
Nobody knows whether this form of education will actually strengthen our knowledge base or gradually isolate ourselves from the larger pool of collective wisdom.
Also, worldwide data show that students are spending more screen time on an average basis. It is an inevitable consequence of online studies. This trend frightened many parents and social scientists as students can easily catch eye related troubles.
Also poor postures and physical aches grow at a rapid rate. Students also expose themselves with greater distraction like social media, Youtube or video games.
Here are some other negative aspects of online learning.
- Little interaction time
In the traditional learning method, the teachers were much animated throughout the lecture. Students sometimes could not understand the language, but they received ideas from faces and body languages. There is a sea difference between physical interaction with the teacher and being visible on a small screen.
The learning experience in a physical classroom was much more fulfilling and all consuming. Hence this is a steady setback for students in the online mode.
- Negative impact on health
Online learning requires you to switch on your computer or mobile phone only. Your body does not go through a regular system of bathing, eating and traveling. This habit tends to divert you from attending a physical workplace in the future as well.
Students are away from attending sports activities also, which they received in school. Hence it affects your body directly making you lazier than ever.
- Creates sense of isolation
In the online mode of education, every student is free to take it as per his own comfort. Nobody interacts with other students physically. They don’t become aware of what friendship is. The professors and fellow students may spend an entire year without being able to interact with one another. This creates a huge sense of isolation.
However, online platforms world over are taking positive steps to bridge this gap and recreate the community feeling. Live sessions are playing an important role to make participation more active.
- Technical glitch can cause huge blockade
This is a rising concern for students while receiving online education. An online class feels easy disruption if the video or audio faces sudden connection issues. Students may download some previously recorded classes. But that can never be a substitute for live interactions. It is not possible for students to manage a technical problem within a moment.
However internet connections have improved sharply across the world. People can access education with better technical equipment.
So, here is an attempt to put an argumentative effort to learn an overall picture of online education. This essay may miss out certain aspects but tries to touch on most burning aspects. However, it is a new platform.
The world did not wake up to its negative consequences as yet. Maybe the future world will answer the unanswered questions regarding online learning. So far it is benefiting the student and teaching community in many ways. Hope this trend will continue for a long time and students will wake up to this form of learning.
Author bio: Dwayne Santner is a freelance writer in My assignment.com. He writes on future technology and education. He loves to cook in his spare time.