Lawsuits can be costly, time-consuming, and scary. If you have an injury case, keep these tips in mind to stay on track and keep your legal team in the loop. Your attorney can’t do their job if they don’t know about everything that’s happening. That’s why it’s so important to keep your lawyer in the … Read more
Generally, Section 3 of the Criminal Code Act 1899 divides offences into 2 major categories. The first is criminal offences and the second is regulatory offences. The first category is further subdivided into 3 types which are crimes, misdemeanours and simple crimes. So, what acts are considered criminal offences? 3 Types of Criminal Offences Crimes … Read more
If you have just passed the bar exam or are between law firm jobs, you might be looking for your next career position in the legal industry. This is a great position to be in, because you have so much room for growth and improvement within your career. After all, you’ve been an attorney for … Read more
In the United States, there are an estimated six million vehicle accidents each year. Fortunately, most of these accidents only cause damage to the car. If you find yourself involved in an accident, here are three important parties that can help in investigating what exactly happened, which can be helpful when dealing with insurance or … Read more
A car accident can be extremely terrifying to live through. Still, you must try to keep a clear head after being in one. What you do next can help determine your future. For one, there are specific professionals you should consult after a car accident, whether it’s to get help or to set about reacting … Read more
The consequences of a reckless driving accident can be devastating. A reckless driving accident can take a toll on your wallet, health, and peace of mind. If you’ve been in a crash with a reckless driver, you may be wondering what your next steps are. While the costs associated with a reckless driving accident are … Read more
In an age of globalisation where people are exposed to cultures worldwide, the growing interest to learn languages keeps increasing every day. According to Duolingo’s Global Language Report 2020, languages like English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian and Chinese were the top 10 choices worldwide. Now a days, students love online things, … Read more
Whenever someone is injured in an accident such as a car crash that wasn’t their fault, they have the opportunity to seek monetary compensation from the guilty party through a personal injury lawsuit. The personal injury process can be highly complicated if you’re unfamiliar with it, especially since both sides will be responsible for proving … Read more
To some, a traffic ticket is nothing more than an inconvenience; they pay the ticket and move on. For others, the same ticket can become a years-long nightmare of crushing debt and perhaps the loss of their driver’s license entirely. You may also not be able to renew your car’s registration. People who cannot afford … Read more
When you are driving down the freeway, you are surrounded by hundreds or even thousands of other drivers at any given moment. Unfortunately, all it takes is a split second for disaster to strike. When it does, you may find yourself seriously injured in an auto accident. Rather than having this occur, here are four … Read more